java - Retrieving the first item from the list and converting it in int -
i have following class shown below
public class brokerinvoicelineitem { private int attachmentcount; public int getattachmentcount() { return attachmentcount; } public void setattachmentcount(int attachmentcount) { this.attachmentcount = attachmentcount; } }
the named query in xml
<sql-query name="attachmentquery"> <![cdata[select count(iilnmp.inv_line_note_id) ioa_inv_line_note_map iilnmp , ioa_invoice_line_notes iiln , ioa_invoice_line iil iilnmp.inv_line_note_id = , iiln.inli_id , = ?]]> </sql-query>
now below operation doing list @ index 0 retrieving value getting compilation error need cast value stored @ index 0 int type able set please advise how can achieve same
query query = session.getnamedquery("attachmentquery"); query.setparameter(0, itrbrokerinvoicelineitem.getid()); list attachcount = query.list(); if (attachcount != null && attachcount.size() > 0) { if (attachcount.get(0) != null) { itrbrokerinvoicelineitem.setattachmentcount(attachcount.get(0)); } }
the compilation error getting the method setattachmentcount(int) in type brokerinvoicelineitem not applicable arguments (object)
i have edited question please using hibernate 3.1 in query.getsingleresult method not there please advise
list attachcount = query.list();
with this
list<integer> attachcount = (list<integer>) query.list();
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