matrix - Eigen: Problems using setFromTriplets() -

i have file in format: 3 5 1 1 1.0 1 3 2.0 2 1 3.0 2 2 4.0 3 3 5.0 10.0 20.0 30.0

where first 2 integers n=3 (dimension of system) , nz=5 (number of non-zero elements) have nz- lines i,j, a(i,j) , n-lines vector b. largest file has n>100000, necessary use sparse matrix. perfect use triplets ( ... rsefilling) , try this, return error.

i post code:

#include <eigen/sparse> #include <fstream> #include <iostream>  typedef eigen::sparsematrix<double> spmat; typedef eigen::triplet<double> t;  using namespace std;  int main()  {  double val;  int n, nz, i, j;  vector<t> tripletlist;  ifstream myfile ("file.dat");  if (myfile.is_open())  {   myfile >> n;   myfile >> nz;   tripletlist.reserve(nz);   int index = 0;   while (index < nz)   {    myfile >> i;    myfile >> j;    myfile >> val;    //cout << i-1 << ' '<< j-1 << ' ' << val << endl;    tripletlist.push_back(t(i-1,j-1,val));    index++;   }   spmat mat(n,n);   eigen::vectorxd b(n);   mat.setfromtriplets(tripletlist.begin(), tripletlist.end());   index = 0;   while (index < n)   {    myfile>>b[index];    if (myfile.eof()){ break;}    index++;   }   myfile.close();  }else cout << "unable open file";   return 0; } 

someone can me?

thanks, simon

--- solved: code above correct.

to understanding, subscript indices of entries should start 0. try modify data file follow:

3 5 0 0 1.0 ...


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