java - JTable filtering by an exact match to a String -

i want filter jtable string. filter this:


but, when filter on "g" lines of jtable entry "kg". want rows entry "g". looked @ how use tables: sorting , filtering, still don't see how.

another example: rowfilter#regexfilter(...) (java platform se 8)

the returned filter uses matcher.find() test inclusion. test exact matches use characters '^' , '$' match beginning , end of string respectively. example, "^foo$" includes rows string "foo" , not, example, "food". see pattern complete description of supported regular-expression constructs.

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.regex.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*;  public class jtablefilterdemo2 {   public jcomponent makeui() {     string[] columnnames = {"item"};     object[][] data = {{"g"}, {"kg"}, {"xg"}, {"y"}, {"z"}, {"*g"}};     defaulttablemodel model = new defaulttablemodel(data, columnnames);     tablerowsorter<tablemodel> sorter = new tablerowsorter<>(model);     jtable table = new jtable(model);     table.setrowsorter(sorter);      jtextfield textfield = new jtextfield("g");      jbutton button = new jbutton("toggle filter");     button.addactionlistener(e -> {       if (sorter.getrowfilter() != null) {         sorter.setrowfilter(null);       } else {         string text = pattern.quote(textfield.gettext());         string regex = string.format("^%s$", text);         sorter.setrowfilter(rowfilter.regexfilter(regex));       }     });      jpanel p = new jpanel(new borderlayout());     p.add(textfield, borderlayout.north);     p.add(new jscrollpane(table));     p.add(button, borderlayout.south);     return p;   }   public static void main(string[] args) {     eventqueue.invokelater(() -> {       jframe f = new jframe();       f.setdefaultcloseoperation(windowconstants.exit_on_close);       f.getcontentpane().add(new jtablefilterdemo2().makeui());       f.setsize(320, 240);       f.setlocationrelativeto(null);       f.setvisible(true);     });   } } 


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