java - WebServices - How can i catch ConnectException? -
i have 2 servers (primary , secondary) , corresponding clients. both using same wsdl contract (so can't change operations) because want server fault tolerant. doing verify primary server , running pinging secondary. when primary server doesn't answer know server down. main problem when try ping disconnected server sends: connection refused
how can catch exception if never thrown in body of function? or there way verify if server up?
here code:
secondary server
private void isalive(){ string alive = null; try { client client = new client(uddiurl, wsname); while(true){ try { alive ="alive"); } catch (connectexception e1) { system.out.println("primary server down"); } try { thread.sleep(2000); } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } if(alive.equals("alive")){ system.out.println("still up"); } } } catch (brokerclientexception e) { system.err.print("failed create brokerclient"); e.printstacktrace(); return ; } }
primary server
public string ping(string message){ return message; }
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