javascript - timer is not triggering after one minute using jquery or give some other solution to trigger function after every 1 min? -
var settimer; var istimeset = false; if (!istimeset) { settimer = $('#hdn_timertime').val(); istimeset = true; } initialtimer(); function initialtimer() { var customminutes = 60 * parseint(settimer), display = $('#time'); starttimer(customminutes, display); } function starttimer(duration, display) { var timer = duration, minutes, seconds; setinterval(function () { minutes = parseint(timer / 60, 10) seconds = parseint(timer % 60, 10); minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes; seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds; display.text(minutes + ":" + seconds); if (--timer < 0) { timer = duration; $('#outputmeters').val(json.stringify(listitem)); // _hardmeter.updatemeterdata(); _hardmeter.tempupdatemeterdataconfirmation(); } }, 1000); }
this code using first time work fine after time start reducing , function fire quickly. don't know how happening. please me out in , if u have better solution .could u please share it??
you can use setinterval
call same function repeatedly @ set intervals until either page unloaded or call clearinterval
var timedfunction = function() { ... // } setinterval(timedfunction, 60 * 1000);
if timed function takes arguments change each time, use settimeout
, call within function body well
var timedfunctionwitharguments = function(iterations) { console.debug(iterations); // settimeout(timedfunctionwitharguments, 60 * 1000, iterations++); } timedfunctionwitharguments(0);
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