php - Deploy Simple Symfony application to Azure : Slow? -

last week, tried deploy simple symfony app on azure. choose plan app service b2 (2cores / 3.5go ram). php version : 5.6.

first took forever complete composer install. (i tried go on s3, little faster not different). tried optimize php config, opcache, realpath_cache_size...etc (xdebug disabled). tried enable wincache, no real improvment.

so app deployed, slow usable. simple php app/console (in dev mode) takes ~23secondes. seems recreate cache everytime. on local unix environnment (similar specs), takes 6seconds when cache cold , 500ms when dev cache warm.

measure time php app/console dev mode

i think main problem filesystem issue, because remove dev cache folder takes 16 seconds. on local unix environnment, similar specs, takes ~200ms remove same folder.

measure time remove dev cache folder

like said tried s3 plan small improvment not enough explain slowness. 1 thing weird, it's if rerun command php app/console after finished, command takes 5seconds run (much better). if rerun 5seconds after finished, takes 23seconds.

i tried these solutions (even if environnment different) :

update : tried set symfony app/cache folder local filesystem d:\local\cache, no improvment, may worst.

please try below steps , let me know if improves performance -

1) in wwwroot directory of site, create .user.ini file (if doesn’t exist) , add “wincache.fcenabled=0”. disable wincache.

2) go azure portal , go application settings app. in app settings section, add “websites_dynamic_cache” value of 1.

3) restart site.


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