android - How to create a graph with 2 complimentary seriesItem using DecoView lib -
i trying create wheel graph shows 2 complementary seriesitem example (red line 80%, blue line 20% ) add 100% of graph.
in decoview github repo found example similar want not able reconstruct graph again.
here video of example in action @1:30
if can me out , break down me, because there isn't documentation lib
i able add 2 independent seriesitems not complementary
in people sample series animated @ same time give impression second series pushing first series along. done using series of timed events.
at 3 seconds series1
animated 19%, after 11 seconds series2
starts animating 45% , @ same time series1
animates 64%. means series1
pushed along , occupy same 19% of chart visible. other 45% of series1
covered series2
here code sets these events:
addanimation(arcview, mseries1index, 19, 3000, imgview, r.drawable.ic_avatar_man, color_blue); addanimation(arcview, mseries2index, 45, 11000, imgview, r.drawable.ic_avatar_woman, color_pink); arcview.addevent(new decoevent.builder(64) .setindex(mseries1index) .setdelay(11000) .setduration(5000) .build());
the addanimation
function few things animating image fades, interested in following part of function sets animated series move:
arcview.addevent(new decoevent.builder(moveto) .setindex(series) .setdelay(delay) .setduration(5000) .setlistener(listener) .build());
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