html - AngularJS getting error on Post method -
i made restful api in .net .the html created angularjs.
the problem is, when page loads, i'm getting following error:
and "insert" button doesn't work anymore.
this insert script , full html can found @ link:
$scope.insert = function insert() { var data = {"id": 3, "name": $, "description":$scope.description , "price": $scope.price, "categoryid": $scope.categoryid}; $ 'http://localhost:22258/api/product', json.stringify(data), { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } } ).success(function (data) { $scope.products.push(data); });
if kind me make edit button works following model: make httpput api, wonderful.
all restful requests works, api works, tested postman
i'm kinnda newbie angularjs useful me. lot !
your insert function part of 'productcontroller', not 'formctrl'.
so in html, this:
<div ng-controller="productcontroller">
and rid of error.
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