jquery - Ajax : Call multiple API with for loop -

since need call brunch of data make chart, need call 10 or more different api created function

function trend1() {   return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile0").html(), //getting api     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      }   }); }  function trend2() {   return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile1").html(), //getting api     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      }   }); }  function trend3() {   return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile2").html(), //getting api     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      }   }); }  function trend4() {   return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile3").html(), //getting api     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      }   }); }  function trend5() {   return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile4").html(), //getting api     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      }   }); }  function trend6() {   return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile5").html(), //getting api     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      }   }); }  function trend7() {   return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile6").html(), //getting api     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      }   }); }  function trend8() {   return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile7").html(), //getting api     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      }   }); }  function trend9() {   return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile8").html(), //getting api     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      }   }); }  function trend10() {   return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile9").html(), //getting api     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      }   }); }  $.when(trend1(), trend2(), trend3(), trend4(), trend5(), trend6(), trend7(), trend8(), trend9(), trend10()).done(function(trend1_data, trend2_data, trend3_data, trend4_data, trend5_data, trend6_data, trend7_data, trend8_data, trend9_data, trend10_data) {   //do                             }) 

how may put massive code loop? ajax allow me this?

update 1:

function trend0()... function trend1()... function trend2()... function trend3()... ....  $.when(trend1(), trend2()).done(function(trend1_data, trend2_data) { (var = 0; i<n; i++) // n n* of cycles      eval("trend" + + "()"); } 


am doing below?

solution :

                var = "";                 (var i=0; i<5; i++) {                 var trend = function(i) {                     if ( $(".numberofprofile"+i).length ) {                         return $.ajax({                             url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile"+ i).html(), //getting api                             type: 'get',                             success: function(data) {                              }                         });                     }                     else                     {                       return false;                      }                 }                     i++                 } 

important : should not write functions since seem alike ! harder maintain in future

if know class number of profiles existing array, should indeed loop on it. if goes 0 10 above, may go way :

var responses = [];  (var i=0; i<10; i++) { responses[i] = $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile" + i).html(),     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      } } 

note actual response day found in responses[i]['response'], or more responses[i]['responsejson']

edit: using $.when idea, seem have quite long set of ajax calls make cannot make final decisions since dont know final application. examples above :

var trend = function(profileno) {     return $.ajax({     url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile" + profileno).html(),     type: 'get',     success: function(data) {      } }  $.when(trend(0), trend(1), ..., trend(10)).done(function(t1, ..., t10) {       //handle results here }) 

edit2 : surprised new solution works. have tried it? in spirit way :

var trend = function(profileno) {         return $.ajax({         url: '/dashboard/gettrend' + '?period=30d' + "&profileid=" + $(".numberofprofile" + profileno).html(),         type: 'get',         success: function(data) {            //you use callback assign retrieved "global" variable instance          }     }); }  var i=0; var responses = [];  while($(".numberofprofile"+i).length ) {     responses[i] = trend(i);     i++; } 


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