android - Table has no column named xyz while inserting data into SQLite database -

it says column name bmi not exist. resulting error message system cannot find column called bmi. checked couple of times , couldn't find mistake in code. maybe guys see one... full stack dump attached after code.

public class mydbhandler extends sqliteopenhelper{  private static final int database_version = 1; private static final string database_name = "bmiwerte.db";  public static final string table_bmis = "bmis"; public static final string column_id = "_id"; public static final string column_name = "name"; public static final string column_bmi = "bmi";   public mydbhandler(context context, string name, sqlitedatabase.cursorfactory factory, int version) {     super(context, database_name, factory, database_version); }  private static final string create_table_bmis = "create table "         +table_bmis         +" ("         +column_id         +" integer autoincrement, "         +column_name         +" text primary key"         +column_bmi         +" text"         +");";  @override public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) {      //lässt query in sql laufen     log.i("exxxx", "creating check");     db.execsql(create_table_bmis); }  @override public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) {     db.execsql("drop table if exist " + table_bmis);     oncreate(db); }  public void addvalues(bmi_werte wert){     contentvalues values = new contentvalues();      values.put(column_name, wert.get_name());     values.put(column_bmi, wert.get_bmiwert().tostring());     log.i("exxx", wert.get_name());     log.i("exxxx", wert.get_bmiwert().tostring());      sqlitedatabase db = getwritabledatabase();     db.insert(table_bmis, null, values);     db.close(); }  public void deletevalues(string name){     log.i("exxxx", "deletevaluse");     sqlitedatabase db = getwritabledatabase();     db.execsql("delete " + table_bmis + " " +             column_name + "=\"" + name + "\";"); }  public string databasetostring(){     string dbstring = "";     sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();      string query = "select * " + table_bmis;     string test = "describe " + table_bmis;      cursor c = db.rawquery(query, null);      c.movetofirst();      while(!c.isafterlast()){         if(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("name")) != null){             dbstring += c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("name"));             dbstring += "\n";         }         c.movetonext();     }      db.close();     return dbstring; } 


error , stack dump:


its typo, forget , while creating table

+column_name +" text primary key, " // add , after primary key +column_bmi 

uninstall application emulator/device , install again resolve it.


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