delete users in yajra laravel datatables -

hy, i'm new laravel using l5 , yajra/datatables plugin.when click on delete button gives error "tokenmismatchexception in verifycsrftoken.php line 53:" code is


return datatables::of($users)     ->addcolumn('action', function ($id) {                return '<button class="btn-delete" data-remote="localhost/blog/public/delete/' . $id->id . '">delete</button>'; })                 ->make(true); 

in view

<script> $(function(){ $('#users-table').datatable({     processing: true,     serverside: true,     ajax: '{!! route("data") !!}',     columns: [         {data: 'id', name: 'id'},         {data: 'name', name: 'name'},         {data: 'email', name: 'email'},         {data: 'created_at', name: 'created_at'},         {data: 'updated_at', name: 'updated_at'},         {data: 'action', name: 'action', orderable: false, searchable: false}     ] }); $('#users-table').on('click', '.btn-delete[data-remote]', function (e) {  e.preventdefault(); $.ajaxsetup({     headers: {         'x-csrf-token': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')     } }); var url = $(this).data('remote'); // confirm $.ajax({     url:'delete/{id}' ,     type: 'delete',     datatype: 'json',     data: {method: '_delete', submit: true} }).always(function (data) {     $('#users-table').datatable().draw(false); }); }); });  </script> 

in route.php

route::get('delete/{id}',array('as'=>'delete',      'uses'=>'editcontroller@delete')); 

i take reference laravel yajra/datatables action delete not working

i tried

$('#users-table').on('click', '.btn-delete[data-remote]', function (e) {  e.preventdefault(); var id = $(this).attr('id'); alert(id); $.ajaxsetup({ 

it gives "undefined"

its not working me..please help..

you need add following in html:

<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}"> 

you should take @ page understand how works:


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