javascript - Service Call in client Side -

i need call service , retrieve resulted data in call function getting js error:

uncaught referenceerror: invoicehtmlservice not defined.

please - below pages , class

my aspx page

<%@ page language="vb" autoeventwireup="false" codebehind="invoicehtml.aspx.vb" inherits="webapplication2.invoicehtml" %>     <html xmlns="">     <head runat="server">     <title>web service call client-side javascript</title>      <script  type="text/javascript">         function sendrequest() {             debugger;             invoicehtmlservice.getbillinvoicehtmldata();         }         function oncomplete(arg) {             alert(arg);         }         function ontimeout(arg) {             alert("timeout has occured");         }         function onerror(arg) {             alert("error has occured: " + arg._message);         }       </script>     </head>     <body>     <form id="form1" runat="server">     <asp:scriptmanager id="scriptmanager1" runat="server">     <services>     <asp:servicereference path="~/service/invoicehtmlservice.asmx" />     </services>     </asp:scriptmanager>     <div>     <input type="text" value="" id="mytextbox" />     <input type="button" value="send request web service"             id="requestbutton" onclick="return sendrequest()" />     </div>     </form>     </body>     </html> 

my asmx page

imports imports imports system.collections.generic imports system.text imports system.drawing  imports imports system.componentmodel  imports imports classlibrary1   ' allow web service called script, using ajax, uncomment following line. ' <> _ <webservice()> _ <webservicebinding(conformsto:=wsiprofiles.basicprofile1_1)> _ <scriptservice()> _ public class invoicehtmlservice     inherits       <webmethod()> _     public function getbillinvoicehtmldata() object         dim objdaobill daoinvoice         dim obj object          objdaobill = new daoinvoice()          obj = objdaobill.getbillinvoicehtmldata()         return obj     end function  end class 

i got answer everyone, posting answer may can others service call client side can done using complete class name present in .asmx case

<%@ webservice language="vb" codebehind="invoicehtmlservice.asmx.vb" class="app.invoicehtmlservice" %> 

so have call service in following way:

   function sendrequest() {                  app.invoicehtmlservice.getbillinvoicehtmldata(callback);             } 


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