javascript - SyntaxError unexpected token u in JSON on position 0 Angular2 -
i tried make server dummy data.
here system.js config (since have different routing, seemed work fine till now)
system.config({ // baseurl node_modules baseurl: '/plugins/dashboard/assets/@@version@@/node_modules', defaultjsextensions: true }); system.import('/plugins/dashboard/assets/@@version@@/app/main') .then(null, console.error.bind(console));
here service:
import {injectable} 'angular2/core'; import {http, response} 'angular2/http'; //import {observable } 'rxjs/observable'; import {observable} 'rxjs/rx'; import {newsletter} "../objects/newsletter"; @injectable() export class newsletterservice { constructor (private http: http) {} //need change url private _mynewsletterurl = ""; // url web api getnewsletter () { console.log(this._mynewsletterurl); console.log(this.http.get(this._mynewsletterurl)); return this.http.get(this._mynewsletterurl) .map(res => <newsletter[]> res.json().data) // eyeball objects json objects in console | mapping purposes .do(data => console.log(json.parse(json.stringify(data)))) .catch(this.handleerror); } private handleerror (error: response) { // in real world app, may send error remote logging infrastructure // instead of logging console console.error(error); return observable.throw(error.json().error || 'server error'); } }
however, if change console log console.log(data) returning undefined.
i looked everywhere, none of answers solved case. might problem system js, since else seems work fine, cannot find how fix this.
this response in console:
console response:
results in invalid json, why json.parse(json.stringify(data))
you might change code to
json.parse(json.stringify(data || null ))
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