Locating index of item via REGEX in Python -

i've hit wall , need help.

context: have list of lists of strings.

 matrix = [['444'],           ['23%'],           ['a']] 

for moment, have list of counts @ position 0, percentage @ 1 , significance test @ 2.

the number of lists within list changes 3 2 1 time time. , type of string within list changes position. cannot assume index 0 counts , percentage 1 etc.

hence wanted find way of dynamically finding out percentage, example, located in matrix, , if in there.

here i've written far:

for i, row in enumerate(matrix):     cell in row:         if "%" in cell:             percent =             print percent i, row in enumerate(matrix):     cell in row:                     if re.search('[a-za-z]', cell):             sigtest =             print sigtest i, row in enumerate(matrix):     cell in row:         if re.search('[0-9]', cell):             count =             print count 


1 2 0 1 

problem: can see, problem located last loop records fact index 0 , 1 contain numbers.

whats needed: way last loop search numbers , numbers only, item contains numbers , symbol, index should not included.

hope makes sense!


to check whether string contains digits can use :

>>> bool(re.search(r'^[0-9]+$', '4444')) true >>> '4444'.isdigit()    #doesn't work floats true # work floats >>> bool(re.search(r'^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?$', '4444.123')) true >>> bool(re.search(r'^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?$', '.123')) true 

for percentage can use regex

>>> bool(re.search(r'^[0-9]+%$', '23%')) true #to handle floats use this: >>> bool(re.search(r'^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?%$', '23.15%')) true >>> bool(re.search(r'^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?%$', '.150%')) true 

for sigtest:

>>> bool(re.search(r'^[a-z]$', 'a',re.i)) true >>> bool(re.search(r'^[a-z]$', 'b',re.i)) true 

here ^ , $ meta-characters:

^ matches start of string , $ matches end of string.


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