vba - Userform controlled variables within a macro -
morning guys,
i have ran small roadblock project. i'm new vba , trying best 'learn doing' cannot seem head around macro/userform interactions.
i have userform 1 textbox , 9 checkboxes. supposed show userform, allow user dictate sheet name, , (from list of 9 users) select active or not (true or false).
in main sub, have a
command, may have guessed, allocator userform name.
then i've sort of been trying things don't know how right rest of userform code is;
private sub cbgo_click() unload allocator end sub private sub cboxalison_click() if me.cboxalison.value = true alisonyn = true else alisonyn = false end if end sub private sub cboxbeverly_click() if me.cboxbeverly.value = true bevelyyn = true else bevelyyn = false end if end sub private sub cboxcallum_click() if me.cboxcallum.value = true callumyn = true else callumyn = false end if end sub private sub cboxellen_click() if me.cboxellen.value = true ellenyn = true else ellenyn = false end if end sub private sub cboxgeoff_click() if me.cboxgeoff.value = true geoffyn = true else geoffyn = false end if end sub private sub cboxjames_click() if me.cboxjames.value = true jamesyn = true else jamesyn = false end if end sub private sub cboxlouise_click() if me.cboxlouise.value = true louiseyn = true else louiseyn = false end if end sub private sub cboxmick_click() if me.cboxmick.value = true mickyn = true else mickyn = false end if end sub private sub cboxtammy_click() if me.cboxtammy.value = true tammyyn = true else tammyyn = false end if end sub private sub tbrpname_change() end sub private sub userform_initialize() dim geoffyn, tammyyn, callumyn, jamesyn, mickyn, alisonyn, beverlyyn, louiseyn, ellenyn boolean dim rp_name string me.cboxgeoff.value = true me.cboxtammy.value = true me.cboxcallum.value = true me.cboxjames.value = true me.cboxmick.value = false me.cboxalison.value = false me.cboxbeverly.value = false me.cboxlouise.value = false me.cboxellen.value = false me.tbrpname = "" end sub
all of named user variables (xxxxyn) public in main module.
these variables want pull main macro true or false following user checking desired boxes, along name string, , continue running original macro.
any appreciated, seem taking myself round in circles @ moment!
ps if helps, userform looks this;
you wrote "all of named user variables (xxxxyn) public in main module." see them declared in userform's sub userform_initialize
, too:
private sub userform_initialize() dim geoffyn, tammyyn, callumyn, jamesyn, mickyn, alisonyn, beverlyyn, louiseyn, ellenyn boolean dim rp_name stringn ...
even if declared same variables public
in module, userform variables hide public namsakes userform setting not "seen" in other modules
so you'd better remove userform dimming statement of "namesakes" , leave public
moreover in such declaration statement used, every single variable not explicitly associated specific type implicitly associated variant type
so in main module should use "dimming" statement follows:
public geoffyn boolean, tammyyn boolean, callumyn boolean, jamesyn boolean, mickyn boolean, alisonyn boolean, beverlyyn boolean, louiseyn boolean, ellenyn boolean
but should above going, nevertheless i'd recommend switch "class" approach use of dictionary object, follows
in allocator
code pane place following code
option explicit dim chkboxes() chkbx_class 'array of type "chkbx_class" define in class module private sub userform_initialize() dim ncontrols integer, integer dim namesarray variant, cbinivalues variant ufinit = true namesarray = array("geoff", "tammy", "callum", "james", "mick", "alison", "beverly", "louise", "ellen") '<== set here names associated every checkbox cbinivalues = array(true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false) '<== set here initial values of checkboxes ncontrols = ubound(namesarray) + 1 '<== retrieve number of checkboxes you're going consider in form redim chkboxes(1 ncontrols) chkbx_class 'redim "chkbx_class" array = 1 ncontrols set chkboxes(i) = new chkbx_class 'initialize new instance of 'chkboxclass' class , store in array i-th position chkboxes(i) set .chkbox = me.controls("checkbox" & i) 'assign correct checkbox control "chkbox" property .name = namesarray(i - 1) ' assign name property of checkbox .chkbox.value = cbinivalues(i - 1) 'set checkbox correct initial value me.controls("label" & i) = .name ' set corresponding label caption dealersdict.add .name, .chkbox.value ' fill dictionary initial pair of dealer-name/checkbox-value end next me.tbrpname.text = "" ufinit = false end sub private sub cbgo_click() me.hide end sub
add "class module" project
either clicking insert-> class module in vba ide main ribbon menu
or right-clicking anywhere in vba ide project window , selecting insert -> class module in subsequent sub-menus
expand "class module" node in project window
if don't see project window can open clicking view-> project window in main ribbon menu, or press "ctrl+r"
select new class added (it should "class1" or likes) , change name "chkbx_class" in property window "name" textbox
if don't see property window can open clicking view-> property window in main ribbon menu or press "f4"
in class module code pane place following
option explicit 'declare class properties: associated in every instance of class. public withevents chkbox msforms.checkbox ' "chkbox" property of class of type checkbox. it's associated events public name string ' events associated chkbox class property sub chkbox_click() if not ufinit dealersdict.item(me.name) = me.chkbox.value ' set dictionary pair of dealer-name/checkbox-value end sub
edit main sub module follows
option explicit public dealersdict new scripting.dictionary public ufinit boolean sub main() myval = "io" dim mykey variant allocator.show unload allocator each mykey in dealersdict msgbox mykey & ": " & dealersdict(mykey) next mykey end sub
create reference microsoft scripting runtime library use dictionaries.
this done choosing tools➜references command in visual basic editor (vbe) pops dialog box in listbox find "microsoft scripting runtime" put check mark next , press ok.
run main sub
whenever need retrieve boolean value associated given name have use
mybool = dealersdict(name)
where name can be:
a string literal wanted name ("alison", "mick" , ..)
a string variable value stores wanted name, somewhere in code may have typed:
dim name string name = "mick"
such approach gives lot of flexibility, since have to:
set names , initial boolean values in 2 arrays (
) inuserform_initialize
make sure have checkboxes named after "checkbox1", "checkbox2", , on have labels named after "label1", "label2", , on
make sure "checkboxx" aligned "labelx"
make sure
have same items number labels , checkboxes
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