Header in QML column -

i have piece of code in qml, i'm not able add static text header of each column.

i tried looking online don't seem find asnwer. or don't it.

component {        id: pedido               item {          id: item          width: parent.width;             row {              id: row              width: parent.width              anchors.verticalcenter: parent.verticalcenter                 column {                         width: parent.width * 0.3                                                text {                                                       text: " " + codigo;                             font.family: "helvetica"                                                                                                 font.pointsize: 14                             font.bold: true                             color: item.listview.iscurrentitem ? "white" :   "black"                      }                 column {                                                     width: parent.width * 0.5                            text {                                                   text: "     " + nombre;                             font.family: "helvetica"                                                                                            font.pointsize: 14                             font.bold: true                             color: item.listview.iscurrentitem ? "white" : "black"                             }                             }                 column {                         width: parent.width * 0.2                                                    text {                                                   text: "     " + fecha;                             font.family: "helvetica"                                                                                            font.pointsize: 14                            font.bold: true             } }     

don't worry if there missing {} .

you should implement own header. more info in documentation.

let me show example simple listmodel & listview:

import qtquick 2.5 import qtquick.window 2.2  window {     visible: true     width: 500     height: 500      rectangle {         width: 300         height: 400          component {             id: listdelegate              item {                 width: 400;                 height: 50;                  row {                     column {                         width: 100                         text { text: codigo }                     }                     column {                         width: 100                         text { text: nombre }                     }                     column {                         width: 100                         text { text: fecha }                     }                 }             }         }          listmodel {             id: listmodel              listelement {                 codigo: "111"                 nombre: "aaa"                 fecha: "28/08/2001"             }             listelement {                 codigo: "222"                 nombre: "bbb"                 fecha: "28/08/2002"             }             listelement {                 codigo: "333"                 nombre: "ccc"                 fecha: "28/08/2003"             }         }          listview {             id: listview             anchors.fill: parent             model: listmodel             delegate: listdelegate             focus: true             header: myheader         }     }      component {     //instantiated when header processed         id: myheader         rectangle {             gradient: mygradient             border {color: "#9eddf2"; width: 2}             width: parent.width; height: 50              row {                 column {                     width: 100                     text { text: "codigo" }                 }                  column {                     width: 100                     text { text: "nombre" }                 }                  column {                     width: 100                     text { text: "fecha" }                 }             }         }     }      gradient {         id: mygradient         gradientstop { position: 0.0; color: "#8ee2fe"}         gradientstop { position: 0.66; color: "#7ed2ee"}     } } 


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