mysql - Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: The database is already in use by another process: org.hsqldb.persist.NIOLockFile -

i have replaced sqoop metatsore mysql db.

when try run saved sqoop job command line, "asks" me password , run job when supply it.

however, need run job through oozie.

--password not recognized valid argument here in command line while executing sqoop saved job , anyway, keeps asking password through prompt.

now, when try run through oozie,

i get

caused by: java.sql.sqlexception: database in use   process: org.hsqldb.persist.niolockfile@950abfc6[file   =/home/yarn/.sqoop/metastore.db.lck, exists=false, locked=false,    valid=false, fl =null]:   /home/yarn/.sqoop/metastore.db.lck (no such file or directory) 

what , why this? directly connecting mysql metatsore , have configured sqoop-site.xml accordingly.

why trying to connect hsqldb?

why locked?

how fix this?

also, how supply password execution of sqoop job in oozie?


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