.net - Powershell : same input command, but different outputs depending on remote / local execution -

i have check if driver installed on virtual machine.
need output drivers list using powershell (msinfo32.exe -> software components, system drivers).
(impersonated) user account want check "test".
when run command locally "test" using remote desktop, works fine, drivers :

ps c:\users\test> get-wmiobject win32_systemdriver 

so can check if concerned driver running :

ps c:\users\test> get-wmiobject win32_systemdriver | where-object{$_.name -eq "vsepflt"}  displayname : vfilefilter name        : vsepflt state       : running status      : ok started     : true 

now need computer, doesn't output full list (just 3 instead) :

ps c:\users\lh> get-wmiobject win32_systemdriver -computername $ip -credential $credtest  displayname : common log (clfs) name        : clfs state       : running status      : ok started     : true  displayname : netbt name        : netbt state       : running status      : ok started     : true  displayname : remote access auto connection driver name        : rasacd state       : stopped status      : ok started     : false 

so of course can't check concerned driver, because not in list, , should be.

note: works if use admin account credential on same vm, full list. can driver :

ps c:\users\lh> get-wmiobject win32_systemdriver -computername $ip -credential $credadmin | where-object{$_.name -eq "vsepflt"}  displayname : vfilefilter name        : vsepflt state       : running status      : ok started     : true 

that's need output "test" account

why don't full list on user account remotly, if run command locally ? , how fix ?

edit : same results using invoke-command , enter-pssession.

edit 2 : if makes difference, machine runs ps 4.0, , vm (with both admin , "test" users) runs 3.0.


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