vb.net - MySQL data in listview gets looped (?) -

i have listview went wrong today, data inside looped endlessly. what's wrong?

  public sub list1()     sqls = "select * petugas"     using cmd new odbc.odbccommand(sqls, conn)         dr = cmd.executereader         while dr.read             listpetugas                 .items.add(dr("kd_petugas")).tostring()                 .items(.items.count - 1).subitems                     .add(dr("nm_petugas").tostring())                     .add(dr("j_kel_petugas").tostring())                     .add(dr("almt_petugas").tostring())                     .add(dr("tlp_petugas").tostring())                 end             end         end while     end using end sub 

why dumping dr listpetugas?

what context listpetugas?

please show event calling sub.

you should use dt instead if holding data in object.


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