web scraping - python beautifulsoup capture image -

using below script trying capture image , save on disk. , have save local path in db.

i have writting simple code capture image webpage:-

import urllib2 os.path import basename urlparse import urlsplit bs4 import beautifulsoup  url = "http://www.someweblink.com/path_to_the_target_webpage" urlcontent = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() soup = beautifulsoup(''.join(urlcontent)) imgtags = soup.findall('img') imgtag in imgtags:     imgurl = imgtag['src']     try:         imgdata = urllib2.urlopen(imgurl).read()         filename = basename(urlsplit(imgurl)[2])         output = open(filename,'wb')         output.write(imgdata)         output.close()     except:         pass 

the page code image :-

<div class="single-post-thumb"> <img width="620" height="330" src="http://ccccc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/weerewr.jpg"/> 

if want download image using url of image can try this

import urllib img_url = "image url goes here" urllib.urlretrieve(img_url,'test.jpg') 

it save image test.jpg name in current working directory.

note: mention full url of image "src" attribute of img tag contains relative urls.


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