- HTTP Error 500.23 after adding dotless to my local website -

hi i'm trying run dotless on local .net4 web site

my web config looks this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration>   <configsections>     <section name="dotless" type="dotless.core.configuration.dotlessconfigurationsectionhandler, dotless.core" />   </configsections>   <system.web>     <compilation debug="true" targetframework="4.0" />   <httphandlers><add path="*.less" verb="get" type="dotless.core.lesscsshttphandler, dotless.core" /></httphandlers></system.web> <dotless minifycss="false" cache="true" web="false" />      <system.webserver>         <handlers>             <add name="dotless" path="*.less" verb="get" type="dotless.core.lesscsshttphandler,dotless.core" resourcetype="file" precondition="" />         </handlers>     </system.webserver> </configuration> 

here error get

http error 500.23 - internal server error setting has been detected not apply in integrated managed pipeline mode. causes:      application defines configuration in system.web/httphandlers section. 

can please help?

adding <validation validateintegratedmodeconfiguration="false"/> worked

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration>   <configsections>     <section name="dotless" type="dotless.core.configuration.dotlessconfigurationsectionhandler, dotless.core" />   </configsections>   <system.web>     <compilation debug="true" targetframework="4.0" />   <httphandlers>       <add path="*.less" verb="get" type="dotless.core.lesscsshttphandler, dotless.core" />   </httphandlers>   </system.web> <dotless minifycss="false" cache="true" web="false" />      <system.webserver>         <validation validateintegratedmodeconfiguration="false"/>         <handlers>             <add name="dotless" path="*.less" verb="get" type="dotless.core.lesscsshttphandler,dotless.core" resourcetype="file" precondition="" />         </handlers>     </system.webserver> </configuration> 


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