java - Jaxb: Generate constant value for fixed-value attribute -

i'm working on xsd uses following contruct:

<xs:attribute name="listversionid" type="xs:normalizedstring" use="required" fixed="1.0"> 

while not problematic per se, rather annoying work with, since fixed-value of definition increases between releases of xsd spec, , need modify values in seperate constants-class keep them valid, although little if of interest in xsd has changed. xsd maintained elsewhere, changing no option.

thus asking myself wether there jaxb-plugin or similar turn fixed-value attributes constants ala

@xmlattribute(name = "listversionid") @xmljavatypeadapter(normalizedstringadapter.class) @xmlschematype(name = "normalizedstring") protected final string listversionid = "1.0"; 

instead of just

@xmlattribute(name = "listversionid") @xmljavatypeadapter(normalizedstringadapter.class) @xmlschematype(name = "normalizedstring") protected string listversionid; 

which must populated manually.

does know of such?

yes possible through custom jaxb bindings, can added file @ codegen.

in jaxb bindings, there fixedattributeasconstantproperty-attribute. setting true, instructs code generator generate attributes fixed attribute java-constants.

there 2 options this:

1. through global bindings: make attributes fixed values constants

<schema targetnamespace=""          xmlns=""          xmlns:wsdl=""         xmlns:jaxb=""         jaxb:version="2.0">   <annotation>     <appinfo>       <jaxb:globalbindings fixedattributeasconstantproperty="true" />     </appinfo>   </annotation>   ... </schema> 

2. through local mappings: defines fixedattributeasconstantproperty property on specific attribute.

<schema targetnamespace=""          xmlns=""          xmlns:wsdl=""         xmlns:jaxb=""         jaxb:version="2.0">     <complextype name="example">         <attribute name="someconstant" type="xsd:int" fixed="42">             <annotation>                 <appinfo>                     <jaxb:property fixedattributeasconstantproperty="true" />                 </appinfo>             </annotation>         </attribute>     </complextype>     ... </schema> 

both examples should result in:

@xmlrootelement(name = "example") public class example {   @xmlattribute   public final static int someconstant = 42; } 


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