javascript - Prevent window height change when mobile address bar appears / disapears -
i use jquery height of devices displaying website, make sure homepage has height of 100%, , when scrolled thru, header menu go fixed top. that, measure window innerheight functiun, called on document ready, , window resize events (to keep design clean when user changes portrait / landscpae mode on mobile, or resizes window on desktop).
problem on mobile : adress bar on android displayed on page load, , hides on scroll down, reappears on scroll up. makes page elements change sizes on evey opportunity , moves contents in page. not pleasant user.
function setheight() { windowheight = $(window).innerheight(); $('.home-intro').css('min-height', windowheight); } $( window ).resize(function() { setheight(); });
is there way window size, not affected adress bar being displayed or not ?
i know answer year late, i've struggled issue well. i've found using "window.document.documentelement.clientheight" instead of "$(window).innerheight();" makes when address bar disappears min-height targeted elements won't resize again fill 50px or so.
here's i'm using on project:
function adjustbackgrounds() { windowheight = window.document.documentelement.clientheight; $('#section-01-home').css('min-height', windowheight); } // triggers sizing on load (783 = 800px accounting 17px of scrollbar) if ($(window).width() <= 783) { adjustbackgrounds(); } else { } // triggers sizing on browser resize (783 = 800px accounting 17px of scrollbar) $(window).resize(function() { if ($(window).width() <= 783) { adjustbackgrounds(); } else { } });
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