google apps script - Set global condtional formatting rules programmatically -
i want set background color of every row in "task" column if "status" column's row not blank. easy setup. setting these rules across numerous columns , sheet 1 sheet 100 can tedious.
given sheets have same columns "task" , "status" should possible set conditional rule on every sheet. how can programmatically?
you may use script accomplish task. know, there's no way make conditional formatting script, here's issue. can copy formatting:
- make 1 conditional formatting rule on 'key sheet'
- run script
here's code add script editor:
function loopsheetscopyformatting() { var ss = spreadsheetapp.getactivespreadsheet(); var sheets = ss.getsheets(); // define key sheet var keysheet = ss.getsheetbyname('sheet1'); // change your's // define range formatting var rangeaddress = 'a1:a1000'; // change your's var samplerange = keysheet.getrange(rangeaddress); var column = samplerange.getcolumn(); var columnend = column + samplerange.getwidth() - 1; var row = samplerange.getrow(); var rowend = row + samplerange.getheight() - 1; (var sheetnum = 0; sheetnum < sheets.length; sheetnum++) { var copytosheet = sheets[sheetnum]; // copy formatting samplerange.copyformattorange( copytosheet, column, columnend, row, rowend); } }
change lines:
var keysheet = ss.getsheetbyname('sheet1'); // change your's
and one:
var rangeaddress = 'a1:a1000'; // change your's
and run script once copy farmatting.
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