html - WordPress sticky php side bar while scrolling up and down -

i using wordpress has right sidebar. want sticky while scrolling , down. have given css style. sticky now. but, problem shifting it's position right left.

here sidebar.php

<div class="sidebarsticky col-md-4">  <?php // select widgets  include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/search.php';  if ( is_home()) { //  home page     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/300x600_side.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/calendar.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/featured.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/fb.php';     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/side_3rdparty.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/comments.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/newsletter.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/popular.php';  } elseif ( is_single()) { // single page     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/300x600_side.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/latest.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/fb.php';     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/side_3rdparty.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/popular.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/featured.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/newsletter.php';  } elseif ( is_category()) { // category page     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/300x600_side.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/latest.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/fb.php';     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/side_3rdparty.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/featured.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/newsletter.php';  } elseif ( is_tag()) { // tag page     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/300x600_side.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/latest.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/fb.php';     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/side_3rdparty.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/featured.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/newsletter.php';  } elseif ( is_archive()) { // archive page     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/calendar.php';     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/300x600_side.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/latest.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/fb.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/popular.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/featured.php';     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/side_3rdparty.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/newsletter.php';  } elseif ( is_page('gsearch')) { // search page     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/300x600_side.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/latest.php';     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/side_3rdparty.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/newsletter.php';  } else { // other pages     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/300x600_side.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/calendar.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/latest.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/fb.php';     include abspath.'/wp-content/ads/side_3rdparty.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/comments.php';     include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/newsletter.php'; }  // include templatepath . '/assets/sidebar/tabs.php'; ?> </div> 

css style have used :-

.sidebarsticky {     position: fixed;      left: 0;      top: 0;      bottom: 0;      overflow: auto; } 

if want stick right side, change style to.

.sidebarsticky {     position: fixed;      right: 0;      top: 0;      bottom: 0;      overflow: auto; } 

left:0 force sidebar @ left rather right side of screen. right:0 out.


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