angularjs - How to redirect to next page on click of marker and displaying details about the marker? -

i using leaflet display map in hybrid app. in map have multiple markers. want redirect next page when user click on marker , display details regarding marker. below json data getting lat , long marker.

below json data

[{"store_id":"1","store_name":"wall mart","store_address":"forum mall, kormangala","store_latitude":"12.929328","store_longitude":" 77.605117","store_phone":"9848484848"}, {"store_id":"2","store_name":"lifestyle","store_address":"k r pooram","store_latitude":"12.961398","store_longitude":"77.553128","store_phone":"858585858"}, {"store_id":"3","store_name":"more","store_address":"katriguppe","store_latitude":"12.989943","store_longitude":"77.689106","store_phone":"8796543210"}] 

html code

<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></div> 


var map ='map', {         center: new l.latlng(12.96340871,77.59699345),         zoom: 12,         maxzoom: 18,         minzoom: 6      });     maplink =          '<a href="">openstreetmap</a>';     l.tilelayer(         'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {         attribution: '&copy; ' + maplink + ' contributors',         maxzoom: 18,         }).addto(map);   $http.get('json.php').success(function(data) {         // loop through 'locations' , place markers on map         console.log(json.stringify(data));         angular.foreach(data, function(location, key){  // alert(location.store_name);             var marker = l.marker([location.store_latitude, location.store_longitude]).addto(map);              });         }); 


you should use marker's click event bind ridirect functionality. routing manipulation can achivied of $location service in angular:

angular.foreach(data, function(location, key){   var marker = l.marker([location.store_latitude, location.store_longitude]).addto(map); {     $location.path('/some_route');   })     }); 


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