javascript - Jqueryui multiple select d&d containment -
hy all, implemented jqueryui drag , drop , jqueryui selectable, , can move 2 objects if select both of it. problem when doing this, containment parent works on clicked element , other selected element can move out parent. here draggable , selectable imlementation:
draggable: { init: function(el, options) { if (options == undefined) { options = { containment: "parent" }; } $(el).draggable(options, { scroll: false, snap: '.gridlines', snaptolerance: $('.grid').attr('data-size') / 2, revert: "invalid", drag: function(event, ui) { selectedcomponent = $(this); }, start: function(event, ui) { if ($(this).hasclass("ui-selected")){ selected = $(".ui-selected").each(function() { var el = $(this);"offset", el.offset()); }); } else { selected = $([]); $(".playground").find('.existing-component').removeclass("ui-selected"); } offset = $(this).offset(); }, stop: function(event, ui) { $('.gridlines').removeclass('highlighted'); $('.obstacles').remove(); if (!$(this).hasclass('ui-selected')) $(this).addclass('ui-selected') } }); }, update: function(el, optionname, optionvalue) { $(el).resizable( "option", optionname, optionvalue ); } }, selectable: { init: function(el) { $(el).selectable({ filter: '.existing-component', selecting: function (event, ui) { $('.ui-selecting').find('.existing-component').removeclass('ui-selecting'); }, stop: function(event, ui) { var selecteditems = $('.ui-selected', this); if (selecteditems.length >= 2) { $('.ui-selected').addclass('ui-selecting-multiple'); } }, selected: function(event, ui) { selectedcomponent = $(ui.selected); } }); $(el).find('.existing-component').click( function(e){ if (!e.shiftkey) { $(el).find('.existing-component').removeclass("ui-selected ui-selecting-multiple"); $(el).find('.existing-component').attr('style', function(i, style) { return style.replace('z-index: 999', ''); }); $(this).addclass("ui-selecting"); } else { if ($(this).hasclass("ui-selected")) { $(this).removeclass("ui-selected ui-selecting-multiple"); } else { $(this).addclass("ui-selecting"); } } $(el).data("ui-selectable")._mousestop(); e.stoppropagation(); }); } }
how apply containment:parent selected component?
i didn`t find solution problem because of implement own solution, on multiselect calculate elements on left,top,bottom,right (multipleminl,multiplemint,multiplemaxb,multiplemaxr) , reinitialize each multiselected component calculated values:
$('.ui-selecting-multiple').each(function() { left = (multipleminl.offset().left - multipleminl.position().left) + $(this).offset().left - multipleminl.offset().left; top = (multiplemint.offset().top - multiplemint.position().top) + $(this).offset().top - multiplemint.offset().top; width = $(this).offset().left + ($(this).parent().outerwidth() - multiplemaxr.position().left - multiplemaxr.outerwidth()); height = $(this).offset().top + ($(this).parent().outerheight() - multiplemaxb.position().top - multiplemaxb.outerheight()); draggable.init($(this), {containment: [left,top,width,height]}); });
and on other action before ui-selecting-multiple class removed reinitialize each component
draggable.init('.ui-selecting-multiple', containment:'parent');
this works me, if got better solution please post it.
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