oracle - rollback of addPrimaryKey also drops associated index -
in liquibase 3.5.0 under oracle 11g, have added following changeset :
<changeset author="me" id="pk_creation"> <createindex tablename="my_table" indexname="my_index" unique="true"> <column name="id" /> </createindex> <addprimarykey tablename="my_table" columnnames="id" constraintname="my_pk" forindexname="my_index" /> </changeset>
the result of updatesql
operation expect :
create unique index my_index on my_table(id);
alter table my_table add constraint my_pk primary key (id) using index my_index;
but (default) rollbacksql
operation drops index @ same time primary key in first instruction, causes second instruction fail :
alter table my_table drop primary key drop index;
drop index my_index;
is there way make work without specifying custom rollback operation ?
it looks auto-generated sql drop primary key includes drop index , has quite while. i'm not sure original rationale including since it's been way while it'll take research figure out why makes sense. created more part of 4.0 changes.
for now, easiest route add custom rollback block specifies dropprimarykey:
<changeset author="me" id="pk_creation"> <createindex tablename="my_table" indexname="my_index" unique="true"> <column name="id" /> </createindex> <addprimarykey tablename="my_table" columnnames="id" constraintname="my_pk" forindexname="my_index" /> <rollback> <dropprimarykey tablename="my_table"/> </rollback> </changeset>
otherwise, create custom extension of own overrides dropprimarykeygenerator , not include drop index portion. see more information on writing extensions.
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