java - Visualization of graph -

i have simple program simulates distributed environment. want visualize processor behaviour using graphstream library. each processor thread, computations, not time, when set switch variable

while(running){   if(switch)     computate(); } 

i have written class take processorlist , prepare graph visualization. there function task

  public void adjustbfsgraph2(){     for(edge e: this.g.getedgeset())     {         e.clearattributes();     }     try {         thread.sleep(2000);     } catch (interruptedexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }     for(processor p : processorlist)     {         p.getnode().setattribute("ui.label", "pid" +" " + p.getpid() +" "+"dist: " + p.getfieldvalue("bfs") + " " + "parent" + " " + p.getfieldvalue("parent"));         if(!p.getfieldvalue("parent").equals("-1"))         {             edge e = p.getnode().getedgebetween(p.getfieldvalue("parent"));             if(e != null)             {                 e.setattribute("ui.color", p.getcolor());                 e.setattribute("ui.label", "added" + p.getpid());              }         }     } } 

my problem see colors on edges blink of eye , color disapear. looks adds attribute "ui.color" , removes in same loop round, how possible? @update have edited code, can see edges time specified in thread.sleep() after first loop, dont why after clearing attributes can see them. here how i'm calling function

    while(true)             {   i++; //if processor not runing                 boolean aux = false;                 while(!aux) {                     (processor proc : s.processorlist) {                         aux = aux || proc.isenabled();                     }                     aux = !aux;                 }       ;                 thread.sleep(5000);                 for(processor proc: s.processorlist)                 {                     proc.enable();                 }             } 

when thread.sleep() inside adjust function set less 100 ms starts blinks again.

because may little unclear i'm doing have created smaller example

this equivalent of processor class

    public class someobjectwithnode {     public node n;     public color c;     public someobjectwithnode(node n)     {         random rand = new random();         float r = rand.nextfloat();         float g = rand.nextfloat();         float b = rand.nextfloat();         color randomcolor = new color(r, g, b);         c = randomcolor;         this.n = n;     }  } 

here class witch change graph styling/ drawing it

    public class testdraw {     vector<someobjectwithnode> n;     graph g;     public testdraw(vector<someobjectwithnode> k, graph g)     {         this.g= g;         this.n = k;     }     public void adjust()     {         random rand = new random();         for(edge e: g.getedgeset())         {             e.clearattributes();         }         for(someobjectwithnode k: n)         {             k.n.addattribute("ui.color", k.c);             for(edge e: k.n.getedgeset())             {                 float r = rand.nextfloat();                 float g = rand.nextfloat();                 float b = rand.nextfloat();                 color randomcolor = new color(r, g, b);                 e.addattribute("ui.color", randomcolor);             }         }     } } 

and here main class

public class testgs {          public static void main(string[] args) {             node lastnode;             testdraw t;             vector<someobjectwithnode> = new vector<someobjectwithnode>();             system.setproperty("gs.ui.renderer", "org.graphstream.ui.j2dviewer.j2dgraphrenderer");             graph g = new singlegraph("test1");             g.display();             g.addattribute("ui.stylesheet", "node { fill-mode: dyn-plain; size: 10px;} edge { fill-mode: dyn-plain; size: 2px;}");             a.add(new someobjectwithnode(g.addnode(integer.tostring(0))));             lastnode = g.getnode("0");             for(int = 1; < 10; i++)             {                 a.add(new someobjectwithnode(g.addnode(integer.tostring(i))));                 g.addedge(integer.tostring(i-1).concat(integer.tostring(i)), a.get(i).n, lastnode);                 lastnode = a.get(i).n;             }             t = new testdraw(a,g);             while(true)             {                 t.adjust();                 try {                     thread.sleep(3000);                 } catch (interruptedexception e) {                     // todo auto-generated catch block                     e.printstacktrace();                 }             }          }      } 

when run example can see graph has colours blink of eye instead of displaying time in thread.sleep()

the main problem e.clearattributes(); in method adjust(). remove attributes not "ui.color". can use e.setattribute("ui.color", randomcolor); instead e.addattribute("ui.color", randomcolor); , remove block e.clearattributes() @ (see original example number 2).

i've modified code accordingly comments , shared on gist.github. changes color every 2 secs.

ps: cause of blining. i've had short investigation of graphstream source code (a lot of java code, sorry). (only interesting methods):

    public void clearattributes() {             if (attributes != null) {                 (map.entry<string, object> entry : attributes.entryset())                     attributechanged(attributechangeevent.remove, entry.getkey(),                             entry.getvalue(), null);                  attributes.clear();             }         } ...     public void setattribute(string attribute, object... values) {         addattribute(attribute, values);     } ...     public void addattribute(string attribute, object... values) {         if (attributes == null)             attributes = new hashmap<string, object>(1);          object oldvalue;         object value;         if (values.length == 0)             value = true;         else if (values.length == 1)             value = values[0];         else             value = values;          attributechangeevent event = attributechangeevent.add;         if (attributes.containskey(attribute)) // in case value null,             event = attributechangeevent.change; // attribute exists.          oldvalue = attributes.put(attribute, value);         attributechanged(event, attribute, oldvalue, value);     } ... 

as can see setattribute , addattribute similar. attributechanged() implementation in

@override     protected void attributechanged(attributechangeevent event,             string attribute, object oldvalue, object newvalue) {         if (event == attributechangeevent.add                 || event == attributechangeevent.change) {             if (attribute.charat(0) == 'u' && attribute.charat(1) == 'i') {                 if (attribute.equals("ui.class")) {                     mygraph.stylegroups.checkelementstylegroup(this);                     // mygraph.stylegroups.removeelement( tis );                     // mygraph.stylegroups.addelement( );                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.label")) {                     label = styleconstants.convertlabel(newvalue);                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("")) {                     // cascade new style in style sheet.                      if (newvalue instanceof string) {                         try {                             mygraph.stylesheet.parsestylefromstring(                                     new selector(getselectortype(), getid(),                                             null), (string) newvalue);                         } catch (exception e) {                             logger.log(level.warning, string.format("error while parsing style %s '%s' :", getselectortype(), getid()), e);                         }                         mygraph.graphchanged = true;                     } else {                         logger.warning("unknown value style [" + newvalue + "].");                     }                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.hide")) {                     hidden = true;                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.clicked")) {                     style.pusheventfor(this, "clicked");                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.selected")) {                     style.pusheventfor(this, "selected");                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.color")) {                     style.pushelementasdynamic(this);                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.size")) {                     style.pushelementasdynamic(this);                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.icon")) {                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 }                 // else if( attribute.equals( "ui.state" ) )                 // {                 // if( newvalue == null )                 // state = null;                 // else if( newvalue instanceof string )                 // state = (string) newvalue;                 // }             } else if (attribute.equals("label")) {                 label = styleconstants.convertlabel(newvalue);                 mygraph.graphchanged = true;             }         } else // remove         {             if (attribute.charat(0) == 'u' && attribute.charat(1) == 'i') {                 if (attribute.equals("ui.class")) {                     object o = attributes.remove("ui.class"); // not yet removed                                                                 // @                                                                 // point !                     mygraph.stylegroups.checkelementstylegroup(this);                     attributes.put("ui.class", o);                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.label")) {                     label = "";                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.hide")) {                     hidden = false;                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.clicked")) {                     style.popeventfor(this, "clicked");                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.selected")) {                     style.popeventfor(this, "selected");                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.color")) {                     style.popelementasdynamic(this);                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 } else if (attribute.equals("ui.size")) {                     style.popelementasdynamic(this);                     mygraph.graphchanged = true;                 }             } else if (attribute.equals("label")) {                 label = "";                 mygraph.graphchanged = true;             }         }     } 

note: can see when clear attributes, dynamic style added/removed methods popelementasdynamic/pushelementasdynamic. , implementations these methods in

     /**      * indicate element has dynamic values , cannot drawn in bulk      * operations. called graphicelement.      *       * @param element      *            element.      */     protected void pushelementasdynamic(element element) {         if (dynamicones == null)             dynamicones = new hashset<element>();          dynamicones.add(element);     }      /**      * indicate element has no more dynamic values , can drawn in bulk      * operations. called graphicelement.      *       * @param element      *            element.      */     protected void popelementasdynamic(element element) {         dynamicones.remove(element);          if (dynamicones.isempty())             dynamicones = null;     } 

well when add/setattribute add new elements in existed hashmap. when use clearattributes create new instances hashmap dynamicones. in case have synchronization issue , cause of blinking.


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