javascript - Uploading Static Resources to -
i going through development article , found task painful, uploading static files. had found below solutions of
- eclipse plugin convert resource files, , doing operations on it.
- i can use either sublime text mavensmate plugin
i have gone through articles of eclipse plugin , adding more files existing collection again big pain me. have gone through mavensmate plugin still did not understand easiness in it.
he question what web api provided can make ajax request user name , password , upload zip files own interface.
if want upload static resources during development, can use eclipse that. described in this article.
if want communicate salesforce through web api, should use soap api or rest api. documentation static resources says:
encoded data
the api sends , receives binary file data encoded base64 data type. prior creating record, clients must encode binary file data base64. upon receiving api response, clients must decode base64 data binary (this conversion handled soap client).
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