console application - How to convert an input string to uppercase in c# -
string choice = string.toupper(console.readline());
i want input string , convert upper case. however, there's error states :
cannot convert 'string' system.globalization.cultureinfo'
that appears when hover on console.readline()
. why doesn't work , , fixes there? , there way ?
instance method, means have use "on" string:
string input = console.readline(); string choice = input.toupper();
otherwise using the overload takes cultureinfo
object. since string
not convertible system.globalization.cultureinfo
compiler error. it's misleading anyway, can't use instance method without instance, yields error:
string.toupper(cultureinfo.currentculture); // string want upper-case??!
an object reference required non-static field, method, or property 'string.toupper(cultureinfo)
a method can used without instance of type if static
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