how to hide particular column when insert new record in kendo grid -

hey hi try insert new record using kendo grid.
it's work fine.
want set hide , show.
when new hide second column.
on row not other all.
here code:-

<!doctype html> <html> <head>    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />   <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />  <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>   <script>    $(document).ready(function () {         var users = [{ userid: 1, username: "robin", isadmin: true }             , { userid: 2, username: "hood", isadmin: false }];           var t = $("#grid").kendogrid({             datasource: { data: users, pagesize: 10 }// binding data             ,pageable: true             , selectable: "multiple row"             , toolbar: ["create"]             , columns: [                 { field: "userid" }                 , { field: "username"},                  { command: "destroy", title: " ", width: "100px" }                ],                editable: true,             edit: function(e)                 {                            if(e.model.isnew())                         {                                    $("td:nth-child(2)").css("display","none");                         }                 }                       });     });   </script> <meta charset=utf-8 /> <title>js bin</title> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="iterate" onclick="iterate()"/> <div id="grid"></div>   </body> </html> 

please if possible when insert new record hide there second td.

try this,

below code set in document.ready

 $(".k-button,.k-button-icontext,.k-grid-add").click(function(){               var activitygrid = $("#grid").data("kendogrid");               activitygrid.hidecolumn(1);  }); 

updated code:

var cnt = 1;         $(".k-button,.k-button-icontext,.k-grid-add").click(function () {             cnt = 0;                         });         var hidefieldname = "username";         $(".k-textbox").live("focusin", function (e) {             if (cnt == 0) {                 if ($(this).attr("name") == hidefieldname) {                     if ($(this).closest('tr').index() == cnt) {                          $(this).attr("readonly", "readonly");                     }                 }             }         }); 

so, below code worked per requirement. in case textbox generated user can't enter value.

let me know if issue....


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