Spark SQL: How to consume json data from a REST service as DataFrame -
i need read json data web service thats providing rest interfaces query data spark sql code analysis. able read json stored in blob store , use it.
i wondering best way read data rest service , use other dataframe
btw using spark 1.6 of linux cluster on hd insight
if helps. appreciate if can share code snippets same still new spark environment.
on spark 1.6:
if on python, use requests library information , create rdd it. there must similar library scala (relevant thread). do:
json_str = '{"executorcores": 2, "kind": "pyspark", "drivermemory": 1000}' rdd = sc.parallelize([json_str]) json_df = sqlcontext.jsonrdd(rdd) json_df
code scala:
val anotherpeoplerdd = sc.parallelize( """{"name":"yin","address":{"city":"columbus","state":"ohio"}}""" :: nil) val anotherpeople =
this from:
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