clojure - Why is the ^ character used in this ClojureScript snippet? -
in clojurescript re-frame todomvc application find following snippet in todomvc.views namespace.
(defn todo-list [visible-todos] [:ul.todo-list (for [todo @visible-todos] ^{:key (:id todo)} [todo-item todo])])
although have read clojure chapter on metadata don't quite understand purpose of:
in snippet above. please explain.
the :key
react needs when have many items, can unique within group. latest version of react not need these keys. if use latest versions of reframe / reagent, try without :key
this metadata equivalent placing :key
within component. example have equivalent to:
[todo-item {:key (:id todo)} todo]
using metadata approach convenience, must in cases easier 'first key in props passed component' approach.
here's more explanation.
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