javascript - Angular, Response to Preflight Request -

i have interceptor handles requests on controllers. have back-end web api implements refresh token when try refresh token , continue request being made "response preflight request doesn't pass access control check: no 'access-control-allow-origin' header present on requested resource. origin 'http://localhost' therefore not allowed access. response had http status code 400." , token request gives me {"error":"invalid_clientid","error_description":"clientid should sent."}


var appinterceptors = angular.module("auth-interceptor", ["ngroute", "angular-loading-bar"]);  /* ==== bearer token headers configuration ==== */ appinterceptors.factory("authentication-interceptor", ["$q", "$injector", "$rootscope", "$location", "cfploadingbar", function ($q, $injector, $rootscope, $location, cfploadingbar) {     var inflightauthrequest = null;     var deferred = $q.defer();     return {         // on request success         request: function (config) {             config.headers = config.headers || {};             if ($rootscope.globals.accesstoken != null) {                 config.headers.authorization = 'bearer ' + $rootscope.globals.accesstoken;             }             // return config or wrap in promise if blank.             return config || $q.when(config);         },         requesterror: function (rejection) {             debugger; //return debugger more info              return rejection;         },         responseerror: function (rejection) {             debugger;             if (rejection.status === 401) {                 var refreshtoken = window.localstorage.getitem("refreshtoken");    //log user in if there refresh token                  $injector.get("$http").post(                         $rootscope.globals.apipath + "/accesscontrol/token",                         { client_id: "id", grant_type: "refresh_token", refresh_token: refreshtoken },                         { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }                     )                     .then(function (data) {                         inflightauthrequest = null;                         if (data.access_token != undefined && data.refresh_token != undefined) {                             window.localstorage.setitem("refreshtoken", data.refresh_token);                             window.localstorage.setitem("accesstoken", data.access_token);                             window.localstorage.setitem("rememberme", true);                             window.localstorage.setitem("time_expires_in", data.expires_in);                             $injector.get("$http")(rejection.config).then(function (resp) {                                 deferred.resolve(resp);                             }, function (resp) {                                 deferred.reject();                             });                         } else {                             deferred.reject();                         }                         return $q.reject(rejection);                     }, function (response) {                         deferred.reject();                         authservice.clear();                         $injector.get("$state").go('/login');                         return;                     });                 return deferred.promise;             }         }     }; }]);  appinterceptors.config(["$httpprovider", function ($httpprovider) {     $httpprovider.interceptors.push("authentication-interceptor"); }]); 


jobmanagerapp.factory("authenticationservice", ["$rootscope", "$http", "$location", function ($rootscope, $http, $location) {     return {         login: function (username, password) {             return $http({                 url: $rootscope.globals.apipath + "/accesscontrol/token",                 method: 'post',                 data: "username=" + encodeuricomponent(username) +                       "&password=" + encodeuricomponent(password) +                       "&scope=" + "website" +                      "&grant_type=password" +                      "&client_id=id",                 headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }             });         },         refreshtoken: function (refreshtoken) {             return $http({                 url: $rootscope.globals.apipath + "/accesscontrol/token",                 method: 'post',                 data: "client_id=" +                       "&grant_type=refresh_token" +                       "&refresh_token=" + refreshtoken,                 headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }             });         },         logout: function () {             return $http({                 url: $rootscope.globals.apipath + "/accesscontrol/logout",                 method: "post"             });          },         dologin: function (data, rememberme) {              //save tokens             if (rememberme == true) {                 window.localstorage.setitem("refreshtoken", data.refresh_token);                 window.localstorage.setitem("accesstoken", data.access_token);                 window.localstorage.setitem("rememberme", true);              } else {                 window.localstorage.removeitem("refreshtoken");                 window.localstorage.removeitem("accesstoken");             }              //set global values user             $rootscope.globals.accesstoken = data.access_token;             $rootscope.globals.refreshtoken = data.refresh_token;              //hide menu items users not have access rights             $rootscope.hidemenuitems();              //navigate page user wanted go (returnlocation) or default page             var gotolocation = $rootscope.globals.returntolocation;             if (gotolocation != "") {                 $location.path(gotolocation);                 $rootscope.globals.returntolocation = "";             } else {                 //go default page                 $location.path("/home");             }              //set logged in value after navigation has taken place linked ng-show/hide of toolbar , menu             $rootscope.globals.isloggedin = true;         }     }; }]); 


jobmanagerapp.controller("logincontroller", ["$scope", "$rootscope", "$location", "authenticationservice", function ($scope, $rootscope, $location, authenticationservice) {      $scope.loginbuttondisabled = false;     $scope.logonname = null;     $scope.password = null;     $scope.error = "";     $scope.version = ($rootscope.globals.version.indexof("-") == -1) ? $rootscope.globals.version : $rootscope.globals.version.substring(0, $rootscope.globals.version.indexof("-"));      $scope.login = function () {         $scope.loginbuttondisabled = true;         if ($scope.logonname !== null && $scope.password !== null) {             //attempt login             authenticationservice.login($scope.logonname, $scope.password)                 .success(function (data) {                     $scope.loginbuttondisabled = false;                     if (data.access_token != undefined) {                         //time expires                         window.localstorage.setitem("time_expires_in", data.expires_in);                         //time user logged in                         window.localstorage.setitem("time_logged_in", new date().gettime());                         //do actual login                         authenticationservice.dologin(data, $scope.rememberme);                     }                     else if (data.error_description != undefined) {                         $scope.error = data.error_description;                     }                     else {                         $scope.error = "unexpected error occurred!";                     }                 })                 .error(function (data, status, headers, config) {                     $rootscope.globals.accesstoken = null;                     window.localstorage.removeitem("accesstoken");                     window.localstorage.removeitem("refreshtoken");                     $scope.loginbuttondisabled = false;                 });         } else {             $scope.error = "enter username , password!";             $scope.loginbuttondisabled = false;         }             };      var accesstoken = window.localstorage.getitem("accesstoken");     //log user in if there access token     var refreshtoken = window.localstorage.getitem("refreshtoken");    //log user in if there refresh token     var time_expires = window.localstorage.getitem("time_expires_in");     //time token expires     var time_logged_in = window.localstorage.getitem("time_logged_in");     //time user logged in      var time = new date().gettime();     //currenttime     var tokenexpired;    //variable used setexpired       if (((time / 1000) - (time_logged_in / 1000)) >= time_expires) {         tokenexpired = true;     } else {         tokenexpired = false;     }      //log test     console.log("time left: " + (time_expires - ((time / 1000) - (time_logged_in / 1000))));     console.log(refreshtoken);     //login     if (accesstoken != null && tokenexpired == false && refreshtoken != null) {         $rootscope.globals.accesstoken = accesstoken; //set auth-interceptor work         $rootscope.globals.showloading = true;          $rootscope.globals.showloading = false;         var data = {             access_token: accesstoken,             expires_in: time_expires,             refresh_token: refreshtoken         };         authenticationservice.dologin(data, true);          //authenticationservice.getauthenticationproperties().success(function (data) {         //    $rootscope.globals.showloading = false;         //    data.access_token = accesstoken;         //    authenticationservice.dologin(data, true);         //}).error(function () {         //    $rootscope.globals.showloading = false;         //});     } else if (refreshtoken != null) {         //request new access token         authenticationservice.refreshtoken(refreshtoken)             .success(function (data) {                 if (data.access_token != undefined && data.refresh_token != undefined) {                     $rootscope.globals.accesstoken = data.access_token; //set auth-interceptor work                     $rootscope.globals.refreshtoken = data.refresh_token //set new refresh token                      $rootscope.globals.showloading = true;                        $rootscope.globals.showloading = false;                     var data = {                         access_token: data.access_token,                         refresh_token: data.refresh_token,                         expires_in: data.expires_in                     };                      //renew time logged in , time time_expires                     //time expires                     window.localstorage.setitem("time_expires_in", data.expires_in);                     //time user logged in                     window.localstorage.setitem("time_logged_in", new date().gettime());                     //set access token                      tokenexpired = false //renew false;                      authenticationservice.dologin(data, true);                 }             })             .error(function (data, status, headers, config) {                 $rootscope.globals.accesstoken = null;                 window.localstorage.removeitem("accesstoken");                 window.localstorage.removeitem("refreshtoken");                 $scope.loginbuttondisabled = false;             });     } }]); 

any appreciated.

i have managed fix own problem, on interceptor injected authservice functions , reset localstorage access, added , "allow option" option requests resolved on web api:


appinterceptors.factory("authentication-interceptor", ["$q", "$injector", "$rootscope", "$location", "cfploadingbar", function ($q, $injector, $rootscope, $location, cfploadingbar) {     return {         // on request success         request: function (config) {             config.headers = config.headers || {};             if ($rootscope.globals.accesstoken != null) {                 config.headers.authorization = 'bearer ' + $rootscope.globals.accesstoken;             }             // return config or wrap in promise if blank.             return config || $q.when(config);         },         requesterror: function (rejection) {             debugger;              return rejection;         },         responseerror: function (response) {             // error - 401 or else?             if (response.status === 401) {                 var deferred = $q.defer(); // defer until can re-request new token                  var accesstoken = window.localstorage.getitem("accesstoken");                 var refreshtoken = window.localstorage.getitem("refreshtoken");                  // new token... (cannot inject $http directly cause circular ref)                 $injector.get("authenticationservice").refreshtoken(refreshtoken).then(function (loginresponse) {                         if (loginresponse) {                             console.log(loginresponse);                         $rootscope.globals.accesstoken =; // have new acces token - set @ $rootscope                         $rootscope.globals.refreshtoken =; // have new refresh token - set @ $rootscope                         //update headers                         window.localstorage.setitem("accesstoken",;                         window.localstorage.setitem("refreshtoken",;                         window.localstorage.setitem("rememberme", true);                         //time expires                         window.localstorage.setitem("time_expires_in",;                         //time user logged in                         window.localstorage.setitem("time_logged_in", new date().gettime());                          // let's retry original request - transformrequest in .run() below add new oauth token                         $injector.get("authenticationservice").resolvedeferred(response.config).then(function (defresp) {                             // have successful response - resolve using deferred                             deferred.resolve(defresp);                         }, function (defresp) {                             deferred.reject(); // went wrong                         });                     } else {                         deferred.reject(); // login.json didn't give data                     }                 }, function (response) {                     deferred.reject(); // token retry failed, redirect user can login again                     $location.path('/login');                     return;                 });                 return deferred.promise; // return deferred promise             }             return $q.reject(response); // not recoverable error         }     }; }]); 


 refreshtoken: function (refreshtoken) {             return $http({                 url: $rootscope.globals.apipath + "/accesscontrol/token",                 method: 'post',                 datatype: 'jsonp',                 data: "client_id=id" +                       "&grant_type=refresh_token" +                       "&refresh_token=" + refreshtoken,                 headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }             });         },         logout: function () {             return $http({                 url: $rootscope.apipath + "/acess/logout",                 method: "post"             });          },         resolvedeferred: function (config) {             return $http(config);         }, 


 public override task matchendpoint(oauthmatchendpointcontext context)         {             if (context.istokenendpoint && context.request.method == "options")             {                 context.owincontext.response.headers.add("access-control-allow-origin", new[] { "*" });                 context.owincontext.response.headers.add("access-control-allow-headers", new[] { "authorization" });                 context.requestcompleted();                 return task.fromresult(0);             }              return base.matchendpoint(context);         } 


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