c# - I can only add a record to my database for one time why? -
i'm trying add record database c# project.
i can add record 1 time. next time i'm trying add new record got exception.
why happen? didn't change code. here code:
try { connect.open(); cmd.connection = connect; using (cmd = connect.createcommand()) { cmd.commandtext = @"insert [kalorivediyet].[dbo].[uyeler](kullaniciadi,sifre,mailadresi,cinsiyet,boy,kilo,yaş,kalori) values('" + txtkullanıcıadı.text.trim() + "','" + txtsifre.text.trim() + "','" + txtmail.text.trim() + "','" + selectedcmbox.tostring() + "'," + int.parse(txtboy.text) + "," + float.parse(txtkilo.text) + "," + int.parse(txtyas.text) + "," + kalorii + ")"; cmd.executenonquery(); } } catch(exception) { messagebox.show("baglanti kurulamadı lütfen tekrar deneyin"); connect.close(); } { connect.close(); }
have check if violating of constraints in database scheme? mean, unique values, primary_keys , on... think reason.
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