ruby on rails - An unhandled lowlevel error occurred. The application logs may have details -

i'm tyring deploy rails app digital ocean droplet , seems configured ok error:

an unhandled lowlevel error occurred. application logs may have details. 

i'm not sure logs empty.

here's nginx config:

upstream puma {   server unix:///home/; }  server {   listen 80 default_server deferred;   server_name;    root /home/;   access_log /home/;   error_log /home/ info;    location ^~ /assets/ {     gzip_static on;     expires max;     add_header cache-control public;   }    try_files $uri/index.html $uri @puma;   location @puma {     proxy_set_header x-forwarded-for $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;     proxy_set_header host $http_host;     proxy_redirect off;      proxy_pass http://puma;   }    error_page 500 502 503 504 /500.html;   client_max_body_size 10m;   keepalive_timeout 10; } 

thank you! :)

this because haven't set secret key correctly. double check config/secrets.yml file: should this:

production: secret_key_base: <%= env["secret_key_base"] %>

then in droplet, can run bundle exec rake secret secret key. there options dotenv useful gem loads contents of .env file env.


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