ios - UILocalNotification to open detail view controller for a specific item -

i'd set alerts specific items , have uilocalnotification open specific item table view controller , display details. in other words, when notification appears i'd able tap on "show item" , instead of showing list of items i'd see details of specific item.

for work need store information on specific item (title, index, etc.) how can this? store title of item in uilocalnotification.userinfo?

to add information

objective c

localnotification.userinfo =@{@"title":title,@"index":index}; 


var userinfo = [string:string]() userinfo["title"] = title userinfo["index"] = index notification.userinfo = userinfo 

to information when notification arrive

objective c

- (void)application:(uiapplication *)application didreceivelocalnotification:(uilocalnotification *)notification {     nslog(@“title = %@”,notification.userinfo[@"title"]);     nslog(@“index = %@”,notification.userinfo[@"index"]); } 


func application(application: uiapplication!, didreceivelocalnotification notification: uilocalnotification!) {     println(notification.userinfo?["title"])     println(notification.userinfo?["index"]) } 


passing "title" , "index" notification's userinfo table view controller

objective c

- (void)application:(uiapplication *)application didreceivelocalnotification:(uilocalnotification *)notification {     [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] postnotificationname:@"booknotification" object:notification.userinfo]     // or update table view data source } 


func application(application: uiapplication!, didreceivelocalnotification notification: uilocalnotification!) {     nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().postnotificationname("booknotification", object:notification.userinfo)     // or update table view data source } 

in table view controller add observer in when notification arrive "title" , "index" update table view controller datasource , reload tableview

inside table view controller objective c

[[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self     selector:@selector(receivebooknotification:)      name:@"booknotification"     object:nil];   - (void) receivetestnotification:(nsnotification *) notification {      nsstring *title = notification.userinfo[@"title"];     nsstring *title = notification.userinfo[@"index"];     // update data source , reload } 


nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: "receivebooknotification:", name:"booknotification", object: nil)   func receivetestnotification(notification: nsnotification) {     let title = notification.userinfo?["title"]     let index = notification.userinfo?["index"]     // update data source , reload } 


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