PowerShell: Pass local variable to function -

i have following powershell code:

function readconfigdata {     $workingdir = (get-location).path     $file = ""      if ($global:use_local_server)     {         $file = $workingdir + '\configs\localhost.ini'     }     else     {         $file = $workingdir + '\configs\' + $env:computername + '.ini'     }      write-host 'inifile: ' $file      if (!$file -or ($file = ""))     {         throw [system.exception] "ini fil är inte satt."     }     if (!(test-path -path $file))     {         throw [system.exception] "kan inte hitta ini fil."     } }  readconfigdata 

how should declare local variable $file can passed function test-path. local variable $file populated when place argument other function it's out of scope.

i read about scopes article wasn't able figure out.

currently error:

inifile: d:\projects\scripts\configs\hbox.ini test-path : cannot bind argument parameter 'path' because empty string. @ d:\projects\freelancer.com\nero2000\cmd script powershell\script.ps1:141 char:27 + if (!(test-path -path $file)) + ~~~~~ + categoryinfo : invaliddata: (:) [test-path], parameterbindingvalidationexception + fullyqualifiederrorid : parameterargumentvalidationerroremptystringnotallowed,microsoft.powershell.commands.testpathcommand

if (!$file -or ($file = "")) 

should replaced by

if (!$file -or ($file -eq "")) 

you assign $file empty string in first if clause , therefore variable empty in test-path call.

edit: there alternatives: how can check if string null or empty in powershell?

you either use


or just



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