mysql - Json_encode generate null value while try to connect two database -

i have use utf8_unicode_ci collation field of 2 database.for english language , number fine thai language not show null.i try many way still.but if remove $dbh2 work need both

<?php     $timezone = "asia/bangkok";   if(function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) date_default_timezone_set($timezone);  $dbh1 = mysql_connect('localhost','user1','pass1', true); $dbh2 = mysql_connect('localhost','user2','pass2', true);  mysql_query("set names 'utf8"); mysql_select_db('db1', $dbh1);  mysql_select_db('db2', $dbh2);  $name=$_get['name']; $data=array();  $search=mysql_query("select * `users` `uname` = '".$name."'",$dbh2);       while($a=mysql_fetch_assoc($search))     {         $data[]=$a['total_point'];     }        $find=mysql_query("select *  `item` order `item_id` desc",$dbh1);      while($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($find))      {           $data[]=$r;       }        echo json_encode($data); 


and output

    [ "0",         {             "item_id": "10",             "item_band": "gift card",             "item_pic": "",             "item_title": "gift card",             "item_detail": null,             "item_introduction": null,             "item_point": "30000",             "item_point_bg": "0",             "item_available": "97",             "item_rule": null,             "item_expired": "30/12/2556",             "item_confirm_deal": null,             "item_confirm_use": null,             "item_image_total": "10",             "item_image1": "",              "status": "6"         }     ] 


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