scala - Spark 1.5 MlLib LDA - getting topic distribusions for new documents -

not duplicate of this because i'm asking input is, not function call, see below

i followed this guide create lda model in spark 1.5. saw in this question topic distribution of new document need use localldamodel's topicdistributions function takes rdd[(long, vector)].

should new document vector term-count vector? type of vector lda trained with. code compiles , runs i'd know if intended use of topicdistributions function

import org.apache.spark.rdd._ import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.{lda, distributedldamodel, localldamodel} import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{vector, vectors} import scala.collection.mutable  val input = seq("this document","this document","these training, not tests", "here final file (document)") val corpus: rdd[array[string]] = sc.parallelize({    doc => doc.split("\\s") })  val termcounts: array[(string, long)] = corpus.flatmap( -> 1l)).reducebykey(_ + _).collect().sortby(-_._2)  val vocabarray: array[string] = termcounts.takeright(termcounts.size).map(_._1) val vocab: map[string, int] = vocabarray.zipwithindex.tomap  // convert documents term count vectors val documents: rdd[(long, vector)] = { case (tokens, id) =>         val counts = new mutable.hashmap[int, double]()         tokens.foreach { term =>             if (vocab.contains(term)) {                 val idx = vocab(term)                 counts(idx) = counts.getorelse(idx, 0.0) + 1.0             }         }         (id, vectors.sparse(vocab.size, counts.toseq))     } // set lda parameters val numtopics = 10 val ldamodel: distributedldamodel = new lda().setk(numtopics).setmaxiterations(20).run(documents).asinstanceof[distributedldamodel]  //create test input, convert term count, , topic distribution val test_input = seq("this test document") val test_document:rdd[(long,vector)] = sc.parallelize(>doc.split("\\s"))){ case (tokens, id) =>     val counts = new mutable.hashmap[int, double]()     tokens.foreach { term =>     if (vocab.contains(term)) {         val idx = vocab(term)         counts(idx) = counts.getorelse(idx, 0.0) + 1.0         }     }     (id, vectors.sparse(vocab.size, counts.toseq)) } println("test_document: "+test_document.first._2.toarray.mkstring(", "))  val localldamodel: localldamodel = ldamodel.tolocal val topicdistributions = localldamodel.topicdistributions(documents) println("first topic distribution:"+topicdistributions.first._2.toarray.mkstring(", ")) 

according spark src, notice following comment regarding documents parameter:

   * @param documents:      * rdd of documents, term (word) count vectors paired ids.    * term count vectors "bags of words" fixed-size vocabulary    * (where vocabulary size length of vector).    * must use same vocabulary (ordering of term counts) in training.    * document ids must unique , >= 0. 

so answer yes, new document vector should term count vector. further, vector ordering should same used in training.


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