android - Espresso waiting for textview -

i have service connecting server. simple app sends message , gets echoed client. have test follows:

@test public void checksendmessage() {      final string testmessage = "here test message";      onview(withid(, closesoftkeyboard());     onview(withid(;     onview(withid(; } 

i have server running on local network, , in scenario runs , passes. however, if add 3 second delay in server, test fails. want wait x seconds , check if contains text.

i have seen similar questions people answering use idlingresource. not sure how integrate app. guess have implement isidlenow function. using service connects com.koushikdutta.async.http.socketio.socketioclient;

it doesn't ever go idle though, sits there listening on socket. not waiting finish, want keep checking view x seconds see if message arrived. how might this?

i have solved writing custom idlingresource checks view assertion on every isidlenow , times out per code below:

@test public void checksendmessage() {      final string testmessage = "here test message";      onview(withid(, closesoftkeyboard());     onview(withid(;      waitfor(onview(withid(, matches(withtext(containsstring(testmessage))), 5000); }  private void waitfor(viewinteraction viewinteraction, viewassertion viewassertion, long timeout) {      pollingtimeoutidler idler = new pollingtimeoutidler(viewinteraction, viewassertion, timeout);     espresso.registeridlingresources(idler);      viewinteraction.check(viewassertion);      espresso.unregisteridlingresources(idler); }  private class pollingtimeoutidler implements idlingresource {      private final viewassertion mviewassertion;     private final long mtimeout;     private final long mstarttime;     private resourcecallback mcallback;     private volatile view mtestview;      public pollingtimeoutidler(viewinteraction viewinteraction, viewassertion viewassertion, long timeout) {         mviewassertion = viewassertion;         mtimeout = timeout;         mstarttime = system.currenttimemillis();          viewinteraction.check(new viewassertion() {             @override             public void check(view view, nomatchingviewexception noviewfoundexception) {                 mtestview = view;             }         });     }      @override     public string getname() {         return getclass().getsimplename();     }      @override     public boolean isidlenow() {          long elapsed = system.currenttimemillis() - mstarttime;         boolean timedout = elapsed >= mtimeout;          boolean idle = testview() || timedout;         if(idle) {             mcallback.ontransitiontoidle();         }          return idle;     }      private boolean testview() {          if(mtestview != null) {             try {                 mviewassertion.check(mtestview, null);                 return true;             }             catch(assertionfailederror ex) {                 return false;             }         }         else {             return false;         }     }      @override     public void registeridletransitioncallback(resourcecallback callback) {         mcallback = callback;     } } 

it works surely there better way? feels super hacky , espresso should provide me. fact doesn't leads me believe thinking wrong way test. there better way test same behaviour?


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