AngularJS / JAX-RS : how to have a proper Excel doc response -

i export excel file via jax-rs webservice , download / open web application. sounds works whether called curl not called angularjs v1.4.7 front end. using microsoft excel 2013 64 bits under windows 7 professional.

on server side webservice implemented below:

@post @produces("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet") @consumes(mediatype.multipart_form_data) @path("/compare") public response compare(         @formdataparam("controlfile") inputstream controlis,         @formdataparam("controlfile") formdatacontentdisposition controlfiledetail,         @formdataparam("testfile") inputstream testis,         @formdataparam("testfile") formdatacontentdisposition testfiledetail ) {     //(...)     //creating excel file using apache poi sxssfworkbook     file file = new file(reportfilename);     responsebuilder responsebuilder = response.ok((object) file, mediatype.application_octet_stream)                     .header("access-control-allow-origin", "*")                     .header("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=test.xlsx");     return; } 

i can query webservice via curl , obtain expected result

curl -x post -f "controlfile=@loremipsum1.xml" -f "testfile=@loremipsum2.xml" http://localhost:8080/xmlcompare-rs/xmlcompare/compare > comparison.xls

for information without redirection in file exported format looks like:

 åì⌐h            ♂   _rels/.rels╡Æ┴j├0♀å∩y ú{π┤â1f£^╩á╖1║╨l%1i,c{[·÷≤vzj[ c║      ²· ☼ñz;oú°á►-;♣δ▓☻an│▒«s≡zxz=Çê ¥┴æ↔)8räms╘/4b╩;▒╖>èlΓóé>% (e╘=m↑k÷Σ≥ñσ0a╩mΦñg=`grsu≈2ⁿ÷Ǫ►b,|┼▐{│å∩╤▓♫↑:j (...) 

i working call exact same webservice angularjs front end wherein webservice call below:

angular.module('comparewwwapp')           .service('compareservice', ['$http', function ($http) {           this.xmlcompare = function(controlfile, testfile){             var fd = new formdata();             fd.append('controlfile', controlfile);             fd.append('testfile', testfile);             var xmlcompareurl='http://localhost:8080/xmlcompare-rs/xmlcompare/compare';             $, fd, {                 transformrequest: angular.identity,                 headers: {'content-type': undefined}               })             .success(function(result){               var blob = new blob([result], {                 type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'               });               var objecturl = url.createobjecturl(blob);     ;             })             .error(function(){             });   } }]); 

the webservice sounds executed server side expected (from logs) , returns xlsx document shown in browser.

enter image description here

clicking on downloaded doc, excel opens , tells me "we found problem content in xxx.xlsx. want try recover mych can?(..)" , "excel cannot open file xxx.xlsx because file format or file extension not valid. verify file has not been corrupted , file extension matches format"

i did few attempts switching type 'application/' or returning streamingoutput instead of mediatype.application_octet_stream object depicted here without success.

any advice ?

thank you,

you need add responsetype: 'arraybuffer' post call. ok.

so be

$, fd, {   transformrequest: angular.identity,   headers: {'content-type': undefined},   responsetype: 'arraybuffer' }) 


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