c# - How to specify a "COM" class, when multiple "COM" class has same name in C++? -

i have defined com interface shown below(c#):

using system.runtime.interopservices; namespace commoninterop.hello {  [comvisible(true)]  [guid("24484884-daae-4b24-b0bd-c7b9aeb3d70d")]  public interface icominterop  {     int plus1(int x);  } } 

and again same interface defined different namespace , guid:

using system.runtime.interopservices; namespace commoninterop.world {  [comvisible(true)]  [guid("66664884-daae-4b24-b0bd-c7b9aeb34444")]  public interface icominterop  {     int plus1(int x);  } } 

usage in c++:

in c++ pointer object show below if 1 of com class defined:

icominteropptr m_interop;  // ,  void setsome(icominteropptr); 

but have 2 "com" class has same class name. how can tell c++ use specific "com" class?

im noob in c++, tell me explain further if question not specific enough.


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