c# - StackTrace, line info of fluent call -

given following fluent api calls:

foo()     .bar1(() => { ... })     .bar2(() => { ... })     .bar3(); 

i want determine code file , line number of bar1, bar2 , bar3 lines later down (eh... up) call stack...

case 1: ...inside bar1/bar2/bar3 extension methods.

my current solution: create stack trace inside methods , find information.

open problems: line information belongs foo() line, not bar#(...)-line :(

case 2: ...later on, somewhere else in code, in case given delegate throws exception when executed.

my current solution: examine stack trace of exception , find correct line : )

special case 3: bar3 defines delegate inside method, still want .bar3() line when such delegate throws exception.

my current solution: don't know yet, delegate created somewhere else , can't use same method in case 2. chance information case1, however, information not correct (wrong line number).

q: know how determine correct code file , line number in 3 cases?

note: performance not relevant part of testing framework.

.net 4.5 includes caller information attributes cleaner way of doing this:

using system.runtime.compilerservices;  ...  public foo bar1(     action,      [callermembername] string membername = "",     [callerfilepath] string sourcefilepath = "",     [callerlinenumber] int sourcelinenumber = 0) {     ... } 

the great benefit here don't have @ run-time. parameters provided @ compile time, has no effect on performance of methods. unfortunately, there's nothing preventing user code bypassing this, example:

foo().bar1(() => { ... }, "not real method", "not real file", -123); 


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