Realm objective c - array of array -
i have features in product json. list of strings. but, have localized. so, becomes array of array.
i not able array of array in realm. can suggest me how can achieve in realm objective-c ?
{ "name" : "product 1", "features" : [ [ { "locale" : "en", value : "feature1"}, { "locale" : "cn", value : "feature1 in cn"} ], [ { "locale" : "en", value : "feature2"}, { "locale" : "cn", value : "feature2 in cn"} ] ] }
by modifying json slightly, either @ source or part of mapping step in code, can pass directly realm's kvc initialization mechanism:
{ "name": "product 1", "features": [ [[ { "locale": "en", "value": "feature1" }, { "locale": "cn", "value": "feature1 in cn" } ]], [[ { "locale": "en", "value": "feature2" }, { "locale": "cn", "value": "feature2 in cn" } ]] ] }
which maps these realm models:
@interface feature : rlmobject @property nsstring *locale; @property nsstring *value; @end @implementation feature @end rlm_array_type(feature); @interface featurelist : rlmobject @property rlmarray<feature> *features; @end @implementation featurelist @end rlm_array_type(featurelist); @interface product : rlmobject @property nsstring *name; @property rlmarray<featurelist> *features; @end @implementation product @end
at point, can deserialize json dictionary , initialize realm object graph this:
nsdictionary *productdictionary = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:[nsdata datawithcontentsofurl:[[nsbundle mainbundle] urlforresource:@"product" withextension:@"json"]] options:0 error:nil]; [product createindefaultrealmwithvalue:productdictionary];
which gives following object graph:
[0] product { name = product 1; features = rlmarray <0x7fe43366be00> ( [0] featurelist { features = rlmarray <0x7fec3a772c10> ( [0] feature { locale = en; value = feature1; }, [1] feature { locale = cn; value = feature1 in cn; } ); }, [1] featurelist { features = rlmarray <0x7fec3a773d20> ( [0] feature { locale = en; value = feature2; }, [1] feature { locale = cn; value = feature2 in cn; } ); } ); }
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