c# - How to bind complex objects to Telerik's RadGrid -
i have create table monitor list of streams. table, can see attached, must have following features:
- the stream description (or name) monitored
- the type (input, output or both)
- the results of particular day (and here problem)
the data streams provided web service, via json.
i planned on doing radgrid, have difficulties in implementation.
this model pass:
[datacontractformat] public class streamoutputdto : basedto { public string name { get; set; } public string type { get; set; } public list<detailstream> details { get; set; } }
where "detailstream" is:
public class detailstream { public string id { get; set; } public datetime date { get; set; } public int countinfo { get; set; } public statestream stateinput { get; set; } public statestream stateoutput { get; set; } //... } public enum statestream { inprogress, received, declined, inexistent }
so detailstream result of specific stream in specific day. details list of detailstream, ie results of specific stream in specific week.
with name , type there no problems, not know how manage list of detailstream. can me?
this current implementation:
my web service:
[servicecontract] public interface imyservice { [operationcontract] [webinvoke( method = "post", responseformat = webmessageformat.json)] standardresponse<streamoutputdto> getstream(string request); } [aspnetcompatibilityrequirements(requirementsmode = aspnetcompatibilityrequirementsmode.required)] [messageloggingbehavior] public class myservice : imyservice { public standardresponse<streamoutputdto> getstream(string request) { // test case: standardresponse<streamoutputdto> response = new standardresponse<streamoutputdto>(); response.output = new streamoutputdto(); response.output.name = "hi!"; response.output.type = "input"; response.output.details = new list<detailstream>(); response.output.details.add(new detailstream(){ id = "1", countinfo = 100, date = datetime.today }); response.output.details.add(new detailstream(){ id = "2", countinfo = 200 }); return response; } }
my webform.aspx:
<head> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="radgridparser.js"></script> </head> <body> <telerik:radscriptmanager runat="server" id="radscriptmanager1" /> <telerik:radskinmanager id="radskinmanager1" runat="server" showchooser="true"/> <telerik:radgrid id="radgrid1" rendermode="lightweight" clientdatasourceid="radclientdatasource1" allowpaging="false" allowsorting="false" allowfilteringbycolumn="false" pagesize="5" runat="server"> <mastertableview datakeynames="name" clientdatakeynames="name"> <columns> <telerik:gridboundcolumn datafield="name" headertext="" datatype="system.string" > </telerik:gridboundcolumn> <telerik:gridboundcolumn datafield="type" headertext="tipologia flusso" datatype="system.string"> </telerik:gridboundcolumn> <telerik:gridboundcolumn datafield="day1" headertext="lunedì"> </telerik:gridboundcolumn> <telerik:gridboundcolumn datafield="day2" headertext="martedì"> </telerik:gridboundcolumn> <telerik:gridboundcolumn datafield="day3" headertext="mercoledì"> </telerik:gridboundcolumn> <telerik:gridboundcolumn datafield="day4" headertext="giovedì"> </telerik:gridboundcolumn> <telerik:gridboundcolumn datafield="day5" headertext="venerdì"> </telerik:gridboundcolumn> </columns> </mastertableview> </telerik:radgrid> <telerik:radclientdatasource id="radclientdatasource1" runat="server" allowbatchoperations="true"> <clientevents oncustomparameter="parametermap" ondataparse="parse" /> <datasource> <webservicedatasourcesettings> <select url="http://soldev/axa.sol.web/ws/ivass/ivassservice.svc/getstream" datatype="json" requesttype="post" /> </webservicedatasourcesettings> </datasource> <schema responsetype="json"> <model id="streammodel"> <telerik:clientdatasourcemodelfield fieldname="name" datatype="string" /> <telerik:clientdatasourcemodelfield fieldname="type" datatype="string" /> <telerik:clientdatasourcemodelfield fieldname="day1" datatype="string" /> <telerik:clientdatasourcemodelfield fieldname="day2" datatype="string" /> <telerik:clientdatasourcemodelfield fieldname="day3" datatype="string" /> <telerik:clientdatasourcemodelfield fieldname="day4" datatype="string" /> <telerik:clientdatasourcemodelfield fieldname="day5" datatype="string" /> </model> </schema> </telerik:radclientdatasource> </body>
my radgridparser.js:
//<![cdata[ function parametermap(sender, args) { //if want send parameter select call can modify if //statement check whether request type 'read': //if (args.get_type() == "read" && args.get_data()) { if (args.get_type() != "read" && args.get_data()) { args.set_parameterformat({ request: kendo.stringify(args.get_data().models) }); } } function parse(sender, args) { var response = args.get_response(); if (response) { args.set_parseddata(response.output); } } function useraction(sender, args) { if (sender.get_batcheditingmanager().haschanges(sender.get_mastertableview()) && !confirm("any changes cleared. sure want perform action?")) { args.set_cancel(true); } } //]]>
radgrid can't handle out of box. thing can think use templatecolumn. template column has "itemtemplate", "inserttemplate", , "edittemplate".
you can put controls , html elements inside container. can access controls (and data item) inside "itemdatabound" event of grid. should achive scenario.
references: template columns
item-databound event:
protected void radgrid_itemdatabound(object sender, griditemeventargs e) { if (e.item griddataitem) { griddataitem griditem = e.item griddataitem; dynamic dataitem = (yourtype)(griditem.dataitem); griditem.tooltip = dataitem.id + " - " + dataitem.uuid; } }
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