javafx - How to make a TableView Column as LocalDate and set it's value only via FXML? -

how can fill localdate values column in fxml only?

somewhere in controller class:

protected void addperson(actionevent event) {            observablelist<person> data = tableview.getitems();     data.add(new person(firstnamefield.gettext(),lastnamefield.gettext(),emailfield.gettext(),checkbox.isselected(),integer.parseint(numberfield.gettext()),;          firstnamefield.settext("");     lastnamefield.settext("");     emailfield.settext("");     checkbox.setselected(false);     numberfield.settext("0");     datefield.settext("";  } 

person class:

public class person {  private final simplestringproperty firstname = new simplestringproperty(""); private final simplestringproperty lastname = new simplestringproperty(""); private final simplestringproperty email = new simplestringproperty(""); private final simplebooleanproperty checked = new simplebooleanproperty(false); private final simpleintegerproperty alter = new simpleintegerproperty(); private final objectproperty<localdate> date; 


fxml: ...

    <tablecolumn prefwidth="75.0" text="date">         <cellvaluefactory>             <propertyvaluefactory property="date" />         </cellvaluefactory>     </tablecolumn>     <tablecolumn prefwidth="75.0" text="g" /> </columns> <items>      <fxcollections fx:factory="observablearraylist">          <person alter="1" checked="false"                    email=""  firstname="tester1"                     lastname="test"/>                                                                            </fxcollections> </items> 

i tried:

<person alter="1" checked="false" email="" firstname="tester1" lastname="test" date="2016.01.01"/>  

but javafx.fxml.loadexception:

caused by: java.lang.illegalargumentexception: unable coerce 2016.01.01 class java.time.localdate.     @ com.sun.javafx.fxml.beanadapter.coerce(     @ com.sun.javafx.fxml.beanadapter.put(     @ com.sun.javafx.fxml.beanadapter.put(     @ javafx.fxml.fxmlloader$element.applyproperty(     @ javafx.fxml.fxmlloader$element.processvalue(     @ javafx.fxml.fxmlloader$element.processpropertyattribute(     @ javafx.fxml.fxmlloader$element.processinstancepropertyattributes(     @ javafx.fxml.fxmlloader$valueelement.processendelement(     @ javafx.fxml.fxmlloader.processendelement(     @ javafx.fxml.fxmlloader.loadimpl(     ... 13 more 

fxmlloader cannot initialize localdate string leaves 2 options:

using valueof + fx:value

implement method public static localdate valueof(string) in class

public final class util {      private util() {     }      private static final datetimeformatter date_format = datetimeformatter.ofpattern("");      public static localdate valueof(string val) {         return localdate.parse(val, date_format);     }      public static string tostring(localdate date) {         return date == null ? null : date.format(date_format);     }  } 

and change fxml file this:

<person alter="1" checked="false" email="" firstname="tester1" lastname="test">     <date>         <util fx:value="2016.01.01"/>     </date> </person> 

using builderfactory

leave fxml , use custom builderfactory uses builder create persons. builder has getters/setters every property of person delegate appropriate methods of product except properties require special handling. properties additionally conversion to/from string.

public class personbuilder implements builder<person> {      private final person product = new person();      @override     public person build() {         return product;     }      public void setalter(int value) {         product.setalter(value);     }      public void setdate(string value) {         product.setdate(util.valueof(value));     }      public void setemail(string value) {         product.setemail(value);     }      ...      public int getalter() {         return product.getalter();     }      public string getdate() {         return util.tostring(product.getdate());     }      public string getemail() {         return product.getemail();     }      ...  } 
fxmlloader loader = new fxmlloader(getclass().getresource("person.fxml")); loader.setbuilderfactory(new builderfactory() {      private final builderfactory fallback = new javafxbuilderfactory();      @override     public builder<?> getbuilder(class<?> type) {         return type == person.class ? new personbuilder() : fallback.getbuilder(type);     }  });  loader.load(); 


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