sql - How to sha1 hash a c# login application -

i want make password hash password sha1 tried make passlogin = sha1(@passlogin) not working

here code

using (sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand("select * loginreport userlogin = @userlogin , passlogin = @passlogin", conn)) {     conn.open();      cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@userlogin", txtuser.text);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@passlogin", txtpass.text);     sqldatareader dr = cmd.executereader();     if (dr.hasrows == true)     {         messagebox.show("successfully login");         form1 formreports = new form1();                                  formreports.showdialog();         application.exit();      }     else     {         messagebox.show("check username , password again!!");     } } 

it seems you're not hashing value before assigning parameter.

you may first want try hashing input string, see included code (not tested!) example how this:

public static string generatesaltedsha1(string plaintextstring) {       hashalgorithm algorithm = new sha1managed();       var saltbytes = generatesalt(4);       var plaintextbytes = encoding.ascii.getbytes(plaintextstring);        var plaintextwithsaltbytes = appendbytearray(plaintextbytes, saltbytes);       var saltedsha1bytes = algorithm.computehash(plaintextwithsaltbytes);       var saltedsha1withappendedsaltbytes = appendbytearrays(saltedsha1bytes, saltbytes);        return "{ssha}" + convert.tobase64string(saltedsha1withappendedsaltbytes); }   private static byte[] generatesalt(int saltsize) {      var rng = new rngcryptoserviceprovider();      var buff = new byte[saltsize];      rng.getbytes(buff);      return buff;  }  private static byte[] appendbytearray(byte[] bytearray1, byte[] bytearray2) {     var bytearrayresult =             new byte[bytearray1.length + bytearray2.length];      (var = 0; < bytearray1.length; i++)          bytearrayresult[i] = bytearray1[i];     (var = 0; < bytearray2.length; i++)          bytearrayresult[bytearray1.length + i] = bytearray2[i];      return bytearrayresult; } 

i advise use stronger hashing algorithm sha1 since it's become easy current technology create huge rainbow tables find original string of hash. please salt hash!


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