Translate animation with android -

i new in android. want use translate animation in android. want red rounded image comes center of layout. comes . want red rounded image comes center image color green. in advance.enter image description here

final alertdialog.builder dialog = new alertdialog.builder(this)  .settitle("auto-closing dialog")  .setmessage("after 10 second, dialog closed");  dialog.setpositivebutton("confirm", new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {     @override     public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int whichbutton) {         // tasks when confirm clicked     } });      final alertdialog alert = dialog.create();;  // hide after 10 seconds final handler handler  = new handler(); final runnable runnable = new runnable() {     @override     public void run() {         if (alert.isshowing()) {             alert.dismiss();         }     } };  alert.setondismisslistener(new dialoginterface.ondismisslistener() {     @override     public void ondismiss(dialoginterface dialog) {         handler.removecallbacks(runnable);     } });  handler.postdelayed(runnable, 10000); 


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